Yes Every Day.......I Don't Wear Shoes......But Everybody Else Does.......I Have Dreadlocks....... But Nobody Else Does......Yep I'm The Brown Shoe....... Cheers Glen.
Brown shoes are alright. I find that they clash with suits, but look alright with blue jeans. Why do people wear dinner suits anyway? Why would you dress up to eat? When I eat I wear my old clothes in case I get food on them.
Fair enough. But now let me ask you this: Do you ever feel like you're a tuxedo in a world full of brown shoes?
That is so weird!! For an unfathomable reason, last night in bed I thought about an old George Gobel line I saw on TV when I was about five years old. He was on some show like Carson. Was with I think Dean Martin and somebody else who was very suave. He said that same line. Synchronicity strikes again?
Nobody else has dreadlocks? LOL Only half the black males in America between the ages of 13 and 35. And another couple hundred thousand white wiggers of the same age group. You need to get out more.
Every day I feel like I'm alive and I'm doing what I need to do to live my life the way I desire it. Definitely not a brown shoe more like purple heels with sparkles Brown shoe to me sounds like I'd be depressed and not doing anything about it, woe is me my life is tough. Put a few spikes on those heels of mine because I'm depressed but woe ain't me, woe be you when I spike you with my big toe.
nooo, but i'd rather wear them then tennie runners. and why wouldn't i wear brown shoes with a brown tux, and a bright lime green shirt? (and a pumpkin orange tie?) anyway, none of us live in a universe of any one thing. that's what i love about the diversity of the real universe. even if one human could kill all other humans, even destroy the web of life entirely, the rest of the universe would go right on being its limitlessly diverse self, without being the least bit intimidated by his having done so.