Ever caught your son masturbating?

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by ryan2019, Sep 15, 2020.

  1. ryan2019

    ryan2019 Members

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    Has anyone ever caught their son/stepson/son-in-law masturbating? If so, how did you react? What did you say or do?
  2. Boshcak

    Boshcak Members

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    Well kind of in reverse I got caught by my mom. Was supposed to be doing homework, and the problem was I was -just- starting to climax when she walked in (I had not closed the door.) When I orgasm I kind of loose touch with reality so I did not hear her come in. She got several seconds of me frantically rubbing away on my erect penis. When I realised she was in the room I tried to stuff it back into my pants (while in orgasm still). She just turned around and left and never said a word about it. I was 13 at the time.
  3. nicholasgr

    nicholasgr Member

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    Yes, I have caught him. The first time he was mortified so I left him alone giving him some time and later we talked and I explained to him that masturbation it totally normal and we all do it. I answered all his questions the best way I could and I am very happy that he feels totally ok with it.
  4. Sumbaljack

    Sumbaljack Members

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    That’s great advice to your son.... well done!
    Josephinelcajon likes this.
  5. crazytrain341

    crazytrain341 Members

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    Yes, I heard my then 13 yo son masterbating in the bathroom.

    I told him it was normal ... I do it. I said he isn't going to hurt anything even if doing it every day. But I laid the rules. Be quieter, discreet, never outside our home, use tissue and flush (not in garbage), wash hands and manstick before and after and if watching porn avoid child porn. More he does it = harder to climax.
    thesantos29, bsboy and Sumbaljack like this.
  6. Goander

    Goander Members

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  7. greek0588

    greek0588 Members

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    I don't have a son yet but only daughters. I'm a chronic bator and if I ever have a son I will let him know that it is a natural thing to do and I'll be there to ask any questions he might have. I'll let him know not to be shy to me about it and feel free to do it wherever and whenever he wants unless his sisters, mother or anyone else is in the same room.
    Eclass and Sumbaljack like this.
  8. GuyusesMac

    GuyusesMac Members

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    I have two sons, and never actually caught them, but did tell them when they were about 12 or so, that all guys do it, it is normal, so just enjoy it. I wanted them to know it was normal, as I grew up in a home where it was evil. I have never actually caught them in the act, but have found a few stiff blanket or sock in their rooms. I did however walk in on my sister one time. My father hand a big wand massager in the family room that my mom use to use on this back and neck every night. One day I came home from my friends house, and my younger sister was sitting in my dads chair, both hands on the massager, just going to town. She was clothed, but the look on her face, said it all.
    thesantos29 and Josephinelcajon like this.
  9. Josephinelcajon

    Josephinelcajon Joseph

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    I have masturbated from birth. After a bath I was rubbed down with lotion and allowed to air dry. mom saw me using the left-over lotion on my penis, so she started leaving extra for me to use to masturbate this went on for several years when I started to shower on my own and continued on my own. I never hid or ever even thought of hiding it from her and she never said a word. very often seeing me well into my teens. If I ever had a son I would do the exact same. No shame or guilt in their bodies or masturbation that so many have.
    thesantos29 and Joe90 like this.
  10. splitsidehealing

    splitsidehealing Members

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    i was a very early completely obsessed masturbation obsessed sex explorer.
    thesantos29 and Josephinelcajon like this.
  11. Josephinelcajon

    Josephinelcajon Joseph

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    I was definitely a explorer but not obsessed certainly was very early. As nudist my best friend and I certainly enjoyed masturbating together but spent countless other hours swimming and playing completely nude and few erections until puberty. At the beginning of puberty were masturbating several times a day and had frequent erections. Being nude and being allowed to masturbate openly without any fear or need to hide it certainly helped but I don't think we masturbated more frequently averaging 3 to 4 times a day.
    thesantos29, Transguy and GuyusesMac like this.
  12. Timsk

    Timsk Members

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    Never had a son but we had five daughters. The two oldest ones we could hear them, they really enjoyed themselves. I think the younger ones listened too and learned to be more quiet than their sisters.
  13. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Sure - I caught both of them at it and it was all I could do not to laugh as they tried to convince me that they weren't doing what I saw them doing. And I let them both know that it is perfectly okay to masturbate but, um, next time, keep the noise down and lock your bedroom door. No, they weren't doing it together... that I know of; I just caught them doing it at different times.

    Shit, I remember the day my mom caught me doing it... and how embarrassed I felt and more so when I could see that she was trying not to laugh...
    thesantos29 and Sumbaljack like this.
  14. Sumbaljack

    Sumbaljack Members

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    Great reaction from you after catching your sons enjoying their bodies. Quite different to when my father caught me. His reaction started my shame about my masturbation.
  15. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, I knew they'd eventually figure it out and do it and I was younger than they were when I learned how to do it. Unlike some of the adults I grew up around who said never to play with the thing between my legs or I'll go blind, grow hair on the palms of my hands and from the more extreme folks, God will strike me down from heaven with a thunderbolt.

    Now, when my mom - who was a nurse - caught me and when that first spurt was flying out of me, she also told that it was normal for boys to do this; the next time I do this in the bathroom, lock the door and, finally, clean up my mess and stop using all of the toilet paper. My father... didn't have anything to say - and I know my mother told him. Still, getting caught was pretty humiliating and more so when, as I was cleaning up my mess, I could hear her laughing her ass off...

    No way I was going to bust my sons' asses for masturbating and I encouraged them to do it.
    Sumbaljack and 6Sailor9 like this.
  16. bsboy

    bsboy Bi boy

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    A few times
    CarlC likes this.
  17. JS420

    JS420 Members

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    I know the feeling!!! My father never caught me masturbating, but he did find my magazines (that's all we had back in the 60s) and knew what I was using them for. He was pretty much a sexual prude and made me feel ashamed because of it. I still did it as often as I could even after being shamed!!
    Sumbaljack likes this.
  18. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Parents of the 1950s and 60s were seriously weird about masturbation. I was told to not play with myself or I'd go blind and grow hair on the palms of my hands. Imagine how happy but pissed off I was to have a friend teach me how to get myself off and I didn't go blind or grow hair on my palms!
  19. JS420

    JS420 Members

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    Absolutely!!! I think my parents were more into the "sex for procreation" mindset. Growing up all I had were Playboys (pretty tame by today's standards), but they did the trick. I had to hide them well or get busted, chastised and shamed for having them. So, I went through childhood, puberty and my early adulthood thinking that because I masturbated that I was weird because I enjoyed something so shameful!!! Thank god I grew out of it!!!!!!
    6Sailor9 likes this.
  20. KDaddy23

    KDaddy23 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I never felt ashamed of doing it; my father took care to hide his dirty books (but I found them and would jerk off furiously reading them) and the best visual was... the Sears or Speigel's catalogs and the women's lingerie pages and seeing grown women in bras and panties and hours of masturbating fun while pretending to look at the toys in either catalog. As I recall, the first time I saw a Playboy centerfold, I... came in my underwear. Went from instant erection to cumming in probably less than 10 seconds! Blonde white woman, big tits, hairy pussy - she was perfect! I had to sneak back home to wash up and change my underwear and pants - and hoped neither of my parents asked me why... but I think they suspected that I had some kind of "accident" in my pants.
    6Sailor9 likes this.

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