This is the winner. Warning: Do not watch while you're eating Yeah, it's a guy in a glittery dress, with nice, long, feminine hair, make up....and a beard. I'm not surprised, really. Eurovision has always been a freakshow. I'm just glad we didn't participate in that this year. I really don't get it....if you want to be a female, okay, do that....but what's with the beard then.
there is a difference between a cross-dresser and a transexual, one has a gender identity different than a doctor declared them when born - the other simply like to present to society (or in private) different than is the median behavior. I am disappointed in the number of commenters slamming a person for being non-conformist considering what the people of this forum normally stand for. Cross Dressing - someone who likes to wear the clothes of the opposite sex in order to feel more comfortable Transvestite - Someone who wears the clothes of the opposite sex in a sexual context or in a public context and tries to come across completely as the person of the opposite gender, but just temporarily (old style term) Transexual - describes a person, male or female, who was born with a condition Gender Dysphoria which means that their gender identity, which is determined in the hypothalamus of the brain, does not match their physical anatomy. Transexual people require medical intervention, including hormone therapy and genital surgery, to correct this mismatch and lead normal lives, but transexualism is neither defined by, nor restricted to, that intervention
Mah, could be either Ghost. I'm more worried about the fact that people are still watching Eurovision
It seems most people who are still watching the Eurovision song festival are homosexuals and older nostalgic people who have been watching when it still was more about the quality of the songs rather than the presentation and the whole contest had some allure. I guess the latter still hope that it returns to former glory and there are always one or 2 songs that makes them think it is still a worthwile contest But the majority is even more retarded and cliché than the music in the pop charts.
I didn't watch this year, but it's hard to avoid all the hype. I am disappointed that you would make comments slamming a person for watching Eurovision, considering what the people of this forum normally stand for.
Haha, chill lady, nothing was slamming about my comments. They come from a good place of genuine love and appreciation, which is why I worry ;D And growing a beard doesn't grow you a penis judging by your luscious locks, it would be a very fine beard indeed.. flowing elegantly and shimmering effortlessly in the light. Edit: LOL Asmo! Take cover!!
so what does what someone else chooses to wear, for whatever reason, have to do with not eating? what the hell ever happened to, "for each their own as they see fit"? of course i know what happened. 80% of humanity now alive, were born after anyone had the slightest idea what hip had been about. and i'll give you a hint; it wasn't mind altering substances, nor hedonism, whatever bullshit corporate 'historians' may have tried to feed you.
More about the Sparkle of Sensationalism and Political voting processes nowadays than it was in those oh so innocent bygone days - hang on a minute I'll get my :nopity:
this is entertainment media we're talking about. wholly owned and controlled by economic interests. so why would anyone expect anything other then 'sparkle sensationalism' from that useless source?
He's just doing his thing. Don't be skerred. I read that because of this guy Russians no longer view beards as a masculine trait and a lot of Russian men have shaved their beards off recently.