Hey guys. So this question is mostly directed at PM patients, but I guess it could apply to any chronic opiate user. Do you guys notice alot less euphoria in your opiate high since you first started using? I've been on opiates/opioids for about 6 years now, and lately, I experience little to no euphoria at all when I try and catch a buzz. It doesn't seem to matter how much I use. I'll still nod out, but I just don't really experience that good feeling like I use to. Are my receptors just fried, or what?
Im only a recreational user a weekend warrior if you will. Only been using Opiod's for about 2 years on and off and i notice that the euphoria is gone. Most opiates just make me sleepy now if i use them continuously. We all need a break... but for alot of us thats impossible.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CELr-M1I1QQ"]The Rolling Stones - Sister Morphine - Live 1997 - YouTube
ive gotten to the point where i can only achieve euphoria with a good dose of heroin. anything else just doesn't do it for me. the last time i used i took a dose of up to 100mg oxycodone with 15mg hydrocodone and i had very little mental effects. physically i could feel it but very little euphoria/mood lift. ive been on and off of buprenorphine maintenance the last few years and soon im going to try to quit that for good. sadly it simply isnt worth doing opiates anymore. maybe one day when my tolerace goes way down, but for now im done.
I used to catch a nice euphoric buzz from 4 Tylenol 3's. That was back when I broke a couple ribs in '91. I went on Hydrocodone in '03 for back pain and have been on it ever since. It takes about 30mg all at once to feel a buzz. The thing is, my script runs out early every month and I have to rely on Tramadol, so my tolerance goes down each month somewhat. But years ago 30mg would have knocked me out.
happydude_60 count yourself lucky. stay at that steady dose if you can. going up too high can ruin your tolerance permanently
Something like that. Too bad. It would be great if it was not that way, but that is the way it works. Much worse with speed and Coke. Makes you grow old real fast. Known women who are old hags at 30 doing speed. And for your sake, NEVER trust a user. They become incapable of telling the truth, always want a " loan " and on and on. Bad trip my friend, ...Oscar
I read that it mimics the body's endorphins. So... after a while maybe yeah the receptors just get numb or something. I still have never experienced a single morphine high... I wonder how good the first one would be! Don't worry though, I'd be careful and just do ONE and then chill for a month or two
From what I've read, opiate tolerance isn't permanent, but it can take a considerable amount of time of abstinence to allow the receptors to become re-sensitized. There are also supposedly some substances which can potentiate opiates and even reset tolerance completely, such as Ibogaine. There's some interesting info on this on Erowid. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/opiates/opiates_info3.shtml The same article mentions a substance that reverses tolerance that I've never heard of: There are also things such as white grapefruit juice, Cimetidine, DXM, Hydroxyzine and others which are said to reduce tolerance, at least temporarily. I've used grapefruit juice myself as a potentiator, and it actually worked, to a certain extent. But the best method is probably just abstinence.
your right its not completely permanent, but if you do a gram of heroin a day for a couple years, your never going to be able to get buzzed off of a couple vicodin, no matter how long you abstain.
Yes Tweed is right about this. You have to be willing to SHAKE, SHIT, RATTLE AND ROLL. Go through withdrawals. It`s not so bad as long as you don`t fight it. And even cry if you can. It seems to cleanse the nervous system, this crying. ...Oscar
Sadly, this seems to be true. I was sucking on 125mcg/hr fentanyl patches almost everyday for about 2 years, and it wasn't long before that euphoric part of the high was gone. I forced myself through a horrible cold turkey detox, and got clean for 2 months. But unfortunately, I was still dealing with horrible back pain, and got back on opiates. And for about 2 weeks, 30-40mg of oxy would get me buzzed, and the euphoria was back. But man, after that 2 weeks, I could easily do 200mg and get very little euphoria. So, while my tolerance did go down, it was very short lasted. Thanks for the responses guys.
You might be burned out. Time to start using less or take a break. Recuperate and nourish yourself. In fact one doesn't need any of these substances if one is healthy but yeah sometimes we could use a teacher... Just be careful. A burn out is something you don't want.
Well which opiates are you taking... What are your doses? Hows your diet? Are you exercising regularly? (believe it or not but the better shape your in...the more euphoria you'll get) Try going without for a couple of days.... If you can bare it... Or perhaps try to taper. The only reason for this to happen...is simply because your abusing. By abusing.. I mean irresponsible dosing. LEARN THE DISAPWIN! With great euphoria comes great responsibility!
Etk used to say he was taking something to combat tolerance. Forget what it was called...I even posted a link I found for it where it was used just for that in a science experiment. I'll look around and see if I can find it...
I haven't had that awesome euphoria Since two 5mg percs would have me motoring around all day.....been gone and don't believe it's coming back unless needles are used and that's not gonna happen. Unless I'm on my deathbed or have a port for meds to be injected lol.....if that happens Imma wear that mutha fucker out lmao
I would bet that the chemistry in our bodies which cause humans to grow tolerant to all chemicals that we develop tolerances for, that code has been busted. But no way in hell will we ever know because there is way too much money to be made off addicts. Pork, ETK used to take a magnesium Sulfate IIRC. I myself took it the whole time I was on SUBS and still do. As far as its ability to either fight off or hold steady ones tolerance I have no idea but he used to swear by it! Wish he would come back on, let us know how he's doing!