This was bloody obvious, the moment the decision on the EU referendum was announced three years ago !!! EU rejects UK plea to allow asylum seeker returns after Brexit EU not expected to allow new agreement to replace Dublin Regulation Britain is set to lose its power to send asylum seekers back to other EU countries after the Brexit transition period ends, throwing the government’s immigration policy into disarray. EU negotiators have reportedly rejected UK requests for a new agreement to replicate the Dublin Regulation, which binds EU member states to process certain asylum claims at the request of their neighbours. The provision is used regularly by the UK to turn back refugees arriving on the south coast after travelling overland through France and other European countries. Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, is expected on Friday to elaborate on the situation, which has moved into the spotlight after an uptick in the number of dinghies landing on the Kent coast in recent months. Under the current system, certain asylum seekers can be returned to the member state where they first entered the EU even if they claimed asylum in another country such as the UK. The Guardian reports that this provision, which is continuing through the transition period, is now very unlikely to be extended, with Brussels rejecting demands for a similar agreement to be put in place after Brexit. When approached by The Independent, the European Commission declined to comment on the situation in talks, which it said were ongoing, but an official reiterated that the UK would leave the Dublin Regulation when the transition period ends at the end of 2020. EU officials also stressed that Mr Barnier’s negotiating mandate does not cover asylum matters. The EU has long sought to reform the Dublin Regulation, which is widely seen as unfair to such countries as Greece and Italy, where people crossing the Mediterranean tend to land first, as a matter of geography. Political deadlock on the issue at EU level means the regulations remain in place for now, but EU member states are understood to see Brexit as an opportunity to encourage the UK to take its fair share of people fleeing conflict and disaster. The Dublin Regulation does not restrict where a person can actually claim asylum, or make their attempt illegal – rather, it determines the country that will ultimately process their claim. The UK’s obligations under the refugee convention mean that it must allow asylum claims from people who arrive on its shores. It is illegal under UK domestic law to enter British territory without permission, but crown prosecutors take into account a person’s status as an asylum seeker when deciding whether to charge them with an offence. The home secretary, Priti Patel, said last week that she could send in the royal navy to intercept boats arriving in Britain, after the leader of the Brexit Party, Nigel Farage, accused a group of people arriving on a Kent beach of an “invasion”. The Independent reported this week that the UK is pushing ahead with the deportation of asylum seekers arriving in boats, with France and Spain seen as viable return countries.
Seems to me the solution is simple - Passport Control on vessels Entering the mode of transportation 'PRIOR' to travel. "If name's not on the list - you don't get to travel to, never mind arrive"
Silly sod !!! - have you not seen the hundreds of rubber boats full of immigrants crossing the channel day after day - ffs - its been major news items on all major news channels every day for the past few weeks !!!
I speak from first hand experience of what and how these arrivals occur and inpact therafter. I'm sure you have too, (apart from relpying soley based on the reports from a dubious media) - Let's hear them. Far be from me to make judgement calls on your persona of intelligence and knowledge before that - never mind showing a lack of education that can only see a "Silly sod !!! " comment upon a bona fide obsevation.
I live on the South coast, I don't always have to rely on the mass media, I can (and have) seen the rubber boats for myself and have witnessed the Coast Guard and RNLI rescue launches racing out to rescue some of these refugees.
There are instances of much more of a covert design that occurs than the obvious rubber boats and DIY rafts being used
That may well be true, but you still haven't addressed the implied question as to how YOU would address the issue of refugees in rubber boats crossing the Channel ???
It;s not my palce to supply solutions to those who get paid for resolving such issues, However, I think more investment for the agencies, provision of requeried resources and facilities would help
Changed your tune a bit haven't you ??? - not so long ago you were telling us that the solution was simple !!!
No you can read/ understand - I do have a solution for immigration it is at at source however your question was - which is AFTER this has occurred, and answered which - Especially within this current climate and area of business is definitely not simple
I'm merely pointing out the difference between your two statement - which contradict one another and you still haven't answered your solution for the resolution of the refugee problem !!!
I'll take that as you cannot provide one and reliant on others to do so. I'm not going down the road that you are clearly trying to lead me to go to - for that is not my credo. Suffice to say that there are things which you are uneducated about - (which I guess is why you keep posting threads that go on about the bad things in your bubble of awareness, yet, try to belittle any kind on suggestions, and end up resorting to insults and excuses of what and why things won't/don't work and not on what/why things would work) - Have you ever posted a POSITIVE Thread?
Thus proving the point, that notwithstanding you previously said the solution to the immigration problem was 'simple'. You actually haven't got a clue how to solve this issue, and I guess quite a few others issues either !!!
At least I come up with possible practical prevention for consideration - whereas YOU have come up with ..... NOTHING AGAIN. and with little to No contribution of any merit, I guess that you will to continue your childlike blame game, with no value apart from venting you opinion of useful-less
A so-called practical solution that took no account of the reality of refugees crossing the Channel in Rubber boats and rafts and when I pointed out to you the ridiculous suggestion you proposed you retreated into stupid contradiction.