EU Article 13 of the Copyright Directive: The Stage is Set for Internet Silence

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by BeatinFeet69, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    Can't seem to figure out how to get the link up on here but this news is too big to let technical difficulties halt it. The EU is debating whether or not to pass a new copyright law that would make it so anyone who wishes to put up content on the internet will have to pay fees to be able to use such trademarks as Twitter, Facebook, Google, basically anything & everything. If passed this law would even allow the government to tax the book titles a person had on a shelf in a picture online. Essentially every content creator will have to pay out the ass or no one in the EU will be able to view their shit.

    This is a massive violation of internet freedom & it needs to be stopped. The law is on the docket for June 20th. Time's almost up to save freedom of speech in the EU.

    If anyone wants to find out more you'll have to type very specifically into your browser EU Copyright Directive Article 13.
    Also if anyone who knows how to actually add a link & wants to do so please do. Guess I'm just too technologically illiterate.
    Deidre and morrow like this.
  2. juggawatta

    juggawatta Love

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  3. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Why doesn't the EU just go full-on communist already and get it over with?
    Eric! likes this.
  4. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    They'd much rather just treat it like they're boiling frogs. Stick us in while the water's luke warm & cook us slow so we don't jump out
    katsia, Eric! and Deidre like this.
  5. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    That would be too obvious. The marketing effort needs to introduce this gently and steer everyone toward it, like Coca Cola. Weird that it takes capitalism to sell communism!
    juggawatta likes this.
  6. juggawatta

    juggawatta Love

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    Coca Cola is my buddy. It's funny to me that in my neighborhood Pepsi advertising is everywhere but, having direct access to consumer habits I know that people prefer Coke to Pepsi in an approximated 5-1 tally. Further study may yield fluctuating results.
  7. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I personally prefer Coke Light over Diet Coke (first introduced by Bill Cosby).
  8. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i see no way this would affect my life or i dont really care either way
  9. juggawatta

    juggawatta Love

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    Could it effect your right to use your profile image? I haven't looked into what it is but I caught a glimpse that it would effect ... memes, I think it was. I don't know.
  10. juggawatta

    juggawatta Love

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    Lol I've never heard of it before now. I'm getting thirsty.
    GeorgeJetStoned likes this.
  11. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    EU cant make laws for my country,,,so no...doesnt affect my profile image ..

    i supposed it could be blocked on the EU end but why would i care
    juggawatta likes this.
  12. juggawatta

    juggawatta Love

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    Lol my bad, I'm tipsy RN.
  13. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    It's all the rage in the Caribbean.
  14. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    Well the new laws have officially passed the first hurdle to being enacted. A resounding yes by JURI. Now we just have to wait & see what parliament does with them.
  15. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Another reason the UK wants out of the EU..

    We were aware of this month's ago, but it was hush hushed by the government, probably because of the money it would make them..

    Personally, I can't see it happening, but hey ho.. only in the EU..
    BeatinFeet69 likes this.
  16. Well why didn't you tell us :-/

    Unfortunately, EU citizens aren't familiar enough with EU institutions and what they do and how they work.
    All the info is out there, but unless citizens make an active effort to keep up, they won't know anything until it's already done.

    EU bureaucracy and legislation tend to be complicated, but people also don't seem to be too interested in what's going on.

    Also, people think they know shit but Eurobarometer shows that most don't even know basic stuff about the EU (looking at you Brits).

    I kind of get it though - it's not like you can watch your national news and hear about new events on EU level. You have to make an effort. And it's even worse if there's a large percentage of people who are old or uneducated or don't use the internet.
    But in general, national media should cover EU daily news more often...

    People talk a lot about EU's democratic deficit, but people also dgaf.

    End of rant, looking forward to next May and elections.
    Also thoroughly enjoying no roaming charges in EU countries.
    Asmodean likes this.
  17. Why is wikipedia all over me for this

    Anyways, members of the European Parliament are voting on July 5 on this one.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2018
    BeatinFeet69 likes this.
  18. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Seems like really important information to get out there. Don't fuck this up, Europeans. The world needs you guys to keep being adults so we (US & UK in different ways) can keep acting like children.
    Eric! and EloiseAtThePlaza like this.
  19. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I've noticed the posters who are banging the drum for American socialism in the hopes of America becoming less a confederation of independent states and something more along the lines of iron-fist ruled EU, are notably absent from this thread.
    6-eyed shaman and Eric! like this.
  20. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    I'm just glad that some of you are startin' to take notice. To me this is one of the most important issues since at least 2000.
    If the citizens of the EU allow this to pass, give up their rights on internet, what other countries will follow suit? Seems a great idea for a country like China
    GeorgeJetStoned likes this.

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