
Discussion in 'Synthetic Drugs' started by AceK, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I love this shit. I do have a massive tolerance but I gave a friend a capsule with what the scale said was 6mg and they didn't take it for a while ;) somebody said they got mad fucked up like stumbliing around and shit like they were on ludes but also said it felt sorta like K.

    To me it doesn't really feel like K at all but I guess you could relate it to valium. Shit is real. If I do my drugs just right I can make a lot of money $:2thumbsup:

    That wouldn't do much to me, but for somebody with a normal tolerance it'd be like taking 3 bars and you outta be fucked up after that! I really need to lower my tolernace tho, and try to keep it at a reasonable level cuz if I ever lost all my connections for any type of benzo I think it would be pure hell and I definitely wouldn't make any fuckin money. I'd probably get the DTs.

    Withdrawals from smack!? Da fuck outta here...the only thing worse is the withdrawals from GHB. Benzos are extremely addicting, but they help some people that really function better on benzos but I function better on a lot of drugs, they just gotta be the right ones at the right time and order and shit.
  2. masada

    masada Member

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    I love(d) it too. Dirt cheap, perfectly legal, and hits like Xanax. Only problem is, I went a bit too far with them, became physically and mentally dependent, and now I'm stuck ordering bag after bag just to make sure I always have some and won't go into WDs. All they do now for me is allow me to get about me day, get to sleep, and they're very handy for stim crashes and backups for bad trips.

    You're spot on about WDs. Opiate WD is hell on earth, there's no denying that for a second...but GABA agonists: not as physically tortuous, but every thing that pops into my head gets blown out of proportion and I find myself having full out but unfounded panic attacks centered about terribly menial things like assignments ("I'm going to fail and get kicked out!"), or a small bump under my skin ("It's muscular dystrophy and fiber fragments are going to clog my veins and kill me!"). Paranoia and hypochondria to the max.

    As for the extra money, powder all the way. It's much cheaper, it's pure so people assume it's more, and pay more. Plus, and this isn't too gentleman like, but I know these people. If they see pills, they have a couple pills here, one here, etc. and it lasts. A bag pile of powder, and they just scoop it out and it goes like hotcakes. Luckily etiz has such a high LD50, the worse that can really happen is something I'm sure most of us have experienced- the 'ol "I'm just going to take 1-2mgs...Hmm, maybe 1 or 2 more..."then you wake up on the floor (hopefully yours) with a large amount missing and no memory of the past 2 days.
    Ah, those benzos/theinos
  3. felix4life

    felix4life Member

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    Getting the dosing right is a big issue for me with the powder, that is why I'd pay more for pellets.
  4. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    problem with powder is when you go to redose, ur scale won't really measure an amount small enough. even with a good scale. so you end up just scooping out tiny piles which eventually get bigger and bigger as your tolerance increases.

    eventually u have a massive tolerance and if u ever stop, or run out or something then u get the worst anxiety ever and feel like ur gonna lose ur mind seriously. shit is not cool, its really hard to even function when u feel like that but etizolam just makes everything seem perfect, like this is how ur supposed to feel. i really do have anxiety issues that are sometimes worse than others, and benzos help take the edge off and things just seem to go so much smoother but i probably dont need to be doing it every day. its way too easy to do them every day tho

    i had to go without it for a while and im just now getting past the withdrawal, i really thought id never be myself again. anxiety and paranoid thinking to the next level, so much that it bordered on psychotic type thinking. i see the light at the end of the tunnel tho.

    definitely should slowly taper off of this stuff if possible if u need to stop taking it or else you may be extremely miserable
  5. SunshineChild

    SunshineChild Mad Scientist

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    this is why u either measure with something that has a higher weight such a gel capsule and add/subtract the difference, or measure a larger amount and make a liquid titration. simple stuff that will save u blackouts or worse...
  6. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    i sometimes put a card on the scale to put a little weigh on it, which seems to make it easier for the scale to pick up on additional small amounts then substract the weight of the card and thats how much powder you have.

    i can't lie tho, sometimes it just feels good to take a lot, but its not cool to black out and eat like 200mg or something tho :rolleyes: this seems to be way more of a risk w/ phenazepam than etizolam for some reason. it usually doesnt happen with etizolam even if i took a lot but i have had that happen twice actually where i ended up consuming a huge amount. ive seen a chick eat like 900mg of my phenazepam once !!!! i didnt actually see it or i wouldn't have let it happen, but i saw the results (empty bag) when i went to take a little bit more. and i think it goes without sayin' that she was extrememly fucked up, but she never went to sleep .. im not sure what really happend cuz i dont remember lol, i just remember that i didnt take all that, i kno it wasn't me.
  7. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i'm not sure that adding a gel cap or card to the scale first makes any difference in term of accuracy. it might make the number on the scale change more readily...but it is accurate? when a scale is +/- a certain amount, i think it's true for the whole range of weight. i could be wrong though.

    ace, are you gonna try to stay off the benzos now that you have gotten (or are getting) past the WDs? because it kinda seems like you have two options if you eat any more etizolam - either keep eating it, or go through WD again.

    good luck man.
  8. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    fuck, i just typed a whole lot and it somehow got deleted ... twice !!

    yea, im gonna try not to do them for a while, at least give it a good tolerance break and if i get them again its gonna be pellets
  9. SunshineChild

    SunshineChild Mad Scientist

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    i would think it's more accurate, but I'd trust a liquid titration first and foremost. a quick Google search this was the 1st result, i think it explains what I'm getting at pretty well:

    if I were dealing with etizolam I'd probably lay it to blotter and mark it as Etizolam 1mg, Etizolam 2mg, or whatever the dose you want is. or I'd put 1-2 mg on something absorbent like gummy bears. You just have to keep in mind other's sensitivity is going to vary and if you want a more specific dosage for yourself, it's better to have lower doses. you can always take more but you can never take less. you know what they say.

  10. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    thing about etizolam and most benzos is that they aren't water soluble. I know that they are soluble in propylene glycol. I had a phenazepam solution that came dissolved in a mixture of propylene glycol and benzyl alcohol.

    with liquid solutions you must make sure that you don't leave the container open because solvents that have a high volatility will readily evaporate much faster than water would, and even water would eventually lose volume if repeatedly opened and not promptly resealed. the evaporation would cause a loss of volume, and result in a much more potent solution.

    i haven't done any benzos lately since withdrawal, and i actually feel like myself now. next time i have etizolam or a large amount of any benzo or benzo analog I definitely will know to try and be more careful, because the withdrawal truly sucks!

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