Does anyone else enjoy the Erowid website. I like to read the experience reports. I've found the site very helpful when deciding what dosage of a particular substance I should take. I have also used it to figure out what was in different pills I've had.
I find Erowid one of, if not the most valuable resource available regarding information on psychoactive drugs. I used to read experience reports on there a lot more frequently, however we have plenty of fantastic reports on this site here at Hip Forums as well so I rely more on HF now if the information is available. The dose recommendations on Erowid are generally good, tending to heir on the side of caution but they often provide doses on a spectrum, which implicitly suggests variability in people's dose/response. There are many quality articles both contained within the site as well as outside resources, references to notable figures involved with psychoactive drugs as well as their material and teks available for certain extractions and preparations of various drugs with a format that is easy to navigate.
Its not full of misinformation. There are some points where I don`t agree with them in stuff like "Dosing" tho..Its fucked on some pages. or maybe my shit was stronger than theirs research chem info is sometimes offf.. Double check is always a good advice!!
You'll notice regarding the dosage of some chems it will say "very tentative" is what it is and erowid is a great resource!
Erowid? IMO, its great and all, but it hasn't changed with the times at all. And some of the experiences are ridiculous. Sadly, its the exact same site it was 10 or 15 years ago, even after getting that big award from Reddit. So, I dunno. Would be nice if PsychonautWiki had gotten the money instead as its laid out in a much cleaner way and looks promising.
I think they deleted or heavily edited one of my entries on PsychonautWiki, must have been the reason they didn't get the money.
I think it's just that everyone knows about Erowid and support it out-of-hand. W/out much thought. Erowid has disregarded dozens of perfectly reasonable experiences I've submitted over the years. It happens, I dont care one way or the other. My point was more about where the money is going. Because it certainly does not seem t be going into updating the (Erowid) site in any meaningful way.
You know what I mean? I don't think it's just me. Erowid has had the same layout and kinda same size and amount of stuff as they've had for the last 15 years. The quality of writing for the experiences (middling) is about the same as ever as well...maybe just me...???
If the ad space and pop up surveys I've seen on Erowid are any indication where some of the money goes, then they (have) contribute to organizations such as M.A.P.S (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies), Psychedelic Science, which is an annual conference held discussing various research amongst hosting a lot of other worthwhile articles and literature. Plus they are one, if not the premier resource for higher education and I believe even for medical reference regarding psychoactive drugs. I find the layout on Erowid easily navigable, so I like that about the site, given the nature of what the site is I'd prefer content over style. PsychonautWiki looks like it just uses a Wikipedia template anyways? So we could knock the unoriginality in design there. I like PsychonautWiki's content as well but some of it definitely uses a lot of verbage that may not be very appealing to the novice drug users, even myself I feel like I have to get in the mood to read some of that, like I decided to look on a few articles yesterday when you posted that link and it definitely seems way more micromanaged then it used to be. Some of the words they use look like they are making up :rofl: If different sites are promoting different aspects in regards to psychoactive substances then I see it as good, I'm indifferent to the political aspects of it all really.
Sites look the way they do because they all use the same whatever frameworks and shit that were the fads of the day.