If you guys like weird, bizarre movies, check out David Lynch's first film from 1977, titled Eraserhead. It is a cult classic, and one of my favorite all-time movies. Brilliant, strange stuff.
Okay, I watched the clip. Yeah, it's my kind of movie. I've heard the word "eraserhead" throughout the years, but never looked into it. Now I've gotta see the whole thing. But once I've seen it, I don't think I'll be wanting to step back into that house again.
My 17-year-old son and I watched this years ago on his recommendation. When it was over, we looked at each with a WTF look. Dumbest movie I ever sat through.
One of my favorites also. His other work is appreciated as much. "don't you look at me. Don't you fuckin' look at me"!
Is it available on Netflix? His is the kind of style that I know I would like, but haven't had the chance to check out.
Twin Peaks is. I haven't seen that any others are on there. -------I have all his stuff , including Eraserhead in the original sleeve with Nances picture on the front. Only one I don't have is a video--I think it's called Industrial Music. It was made just after or during Twin Peaks run on TV. I watched it , but neglected to buy it until it was too late.
Boy 1 was in the 6th grade when TP came out and we couldn't wait for every thursday to see it. There was never anything on regular TV that was close to it. (just went back--wish that was in English, PR.)
My kids don't like cult movies much---nothing is BLOWING UP! That's required for todays youth, it seems. Transformer shit and stuff like that.
I loved that movie. David Lynch is a strange genius. If you like that you should definitely watch Twin Peaks. The new season was more bizarre because I think Showtime gave him more freedom to do it the way he wanted this time.
not my kind of strange. i watched it in one of those little art movie houses when i lived in portland oregon in the 80s. not sure i'd even call it strange in any way that means anything to me. twin peeks needs a cat. you know, like in the cat who mysteries, only instead of a fancy siamese, a really motly feral stray, but one that's always finding and turning up clues that unlock everything mongrels is kind of almost strange, and i don't mean everything has to be furry to qualify. if death and designation among the assadi could be made into a movie, now that would be strange, or lafferty's continued on next rock, or 900 grandmothers. people who don't read and only get their strange from movies, need their horizons a whole lot of broadened.
Local video place doesn't have it. Looked for a You Tube of it, but none of them have good sound, and there's orbs of light on the screen. Do you have a link to the whole movie that's watchable like the clip you provided?