Hey, just seeing if there are any avid comic book readers out there. Looking for epic stories. I'm more of a graphic novel type, but any recommendations will do. Post away! The best I've read so far are: Batman: Hush (Green Lantern) Brightest Day 1, 2, & 3 (New 52) Shazam (New 52) Catwoman series Batman: RIP Blue Beetle (1996 series??) Firestorm (199...8 graphic novel??) I know I'm missing a few, I'll post more if I think of them. Batman: Hush definitely tops the list tho imo. I'm waiting for a series dedicated to Martian Manhunter, though unlikely that will happen. Wish they wouldn't have cancelled New 52 Blue Beetle so soon. Those 2 and Shazam (aka Captain Marvel for the supernerds out there ) are by far my favorite characters so far. (Aside from Batman and Catwoman, but they're mainstream.) Firestorm's up there too, awesome character and quantum physics based storyline.
I'm not a big superhero fan, in other graphic novel news, I'm hearing brilliant things about "Y:the last man" and "saga" And every new issue of "Providence" is like fucking christmas
I really enjoyed the green lantern darkest night and brightest day series they did a while ago. I'm also a huuuuge fan of ghost world.
I only like classic historic/adventure comics/cartoons/graphic novels like Tintin and Blueberry. Actually, probably because I grew up with them I mostly dig belgian and french comics. They're bigger than Marvel in those countries as well as in the Netherlands (my country) as far as I know. I thoroughly dislike superhero cartoons where everything you can imagine and draw is imagined and drawn. It always makes it too nonsensical, over the top and unrelatable for me personally.
https://www.google.cl/search?q=comic+books,images&client=tablet-android-samsung&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CEsQ7AlqFQoTCI3-pNz-usgCFcQVkAodsRkOvg&biw=800&bih=1280#imgrc=p5Y1rEyXO_7kUM%3A https://www.google.cl/search?q=comic+books,images&client=tablet-android-samsung&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CEsQ7AlqFQoTCI3-pNz-usgCFcQVkAodsRkOvg&biw=800&bih=1280#imgrc=p5Y1rEyXO_7kUM%3A