Epic character fluff!

Discussion in 'Writers Forum' started by MattieGee, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. MattieGee

    MattieGee Member

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    One night this short story came from the depths of my brain. Its good but I've run dry on the creative juices. So please help.

    His mother was heavly pregnant while lost in a deep underground cave. She died while giving birth and baby Revish was left alone until cave monsters came and fed on his mothers corpse. Only when they were finished devouring his mother did the monsters turn there snouts on the little crying baby. Revish amused the monsters when he felt there long nasty snouts in the darkness and then he would giggle when the cave monsters picked him up. So instead of eating the baby one of the monsters picked him up and put him on its shoulder. Revish was happly raised by the cave monsters un till the age of 5 years old when he ventured outside the cave at darkness for the first time. The mild light hurt his eyes at first but after a few weeks of trecking outside his eyesight tamed to the light. He was interested by the near by settlement so he ventured there and stayed low in the shadows of buildings and observed the strange people pasting by. By the age of 7 Revish had a small collection of personal possessions which amounted to a cupple of clothes outfits so he could blend in when he was in the settlement. He obsevered that there was a dialogue he had to learn in order to fit in and get by. So he hung out near bars and busy places and learned a little but if someone was to attempt to talk to him that person wouldnt get much in response most likely a distorted grunt and the person would think this little boy was mad.
  2. fleamailman

    fleamailman Member

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    ("...reads well..." mentioned the goblin, adding "...no, you only need to repost again elsewhrere, editing it anew, and each time you do that you'll note that it better than the previous time, in essence that's how livewriter's roll, but it quickly gains them a readership that normal writers can only aspire to today...")

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