The photograph is a composite of many photons shot at an entangled pair. The resemblance to an eye makes sense in retrospect, because what we are looking at can be described as a singularity, and the simplest photograph it is possible to make, that also resembles the big bang and reflects the quantum observer effect. It resembles an eye, because that is by far our greatest source of information and, additionally, because that is what yin-yang push-pull dynamics and particle-wave duality look like combined. Mathematically, the eye shape also reflects the four fold supersymmetry being broken, but the eye shape should be thought of as spinning, with this photograph merely being a still image. Its rotation, I would guess, reflects the golden ratio, which is not entirely random, but far beyond human comprehension.
Smoke and mirrors sensationalist nonsense. Einstein was right to be skeptical. Superposition is hokum, arrogant modern scientist term for "we don't know what state". "Ooow woo woo, no it's ANY STATE". Make mirrored polarity photons and pretend it more than that by calling them "entangled... oooh woo wooo spooky". Collide them in a sensor and ooh and aah over their interference pattern. Rainbows are more interesting than these these fucking laser toy clowns. Ahhh, the fucking dishonesty is sickening!