I know they are unhealthy, and I try to avoid them at all costs. However, sometimes (this week, for instance) I need them to help me get through work. I normally would just drink coffee, except they've already got the heat on at my workplace and it's too fucking hot to drink that. Tonight I stopped and got a Red Bull. I fucking love the sweet/tart taste of Red Bull, but why is it so goddamn expensive? Five bucks for a 20 oz. can of the shit. Sometimes I will also drink the sugar free Rockstar, which has 240mg of caffeine per can. It tastes like shit but has the most bang for your buck in terms of the caffeine kick. If you drink energy drinks (and please don't tell me they're gabage because I already know that), what is your favorite?
Energy drinks used to be mega expensive where I live but over the years they're honestly one of the cheapest drinks you can get especially since ever convenient store sells them at special offers like 2 for 5€ or something. I drink them few times a week but I only get the sugar free ones about 80% of the time. I feel that with the sugar it surely tastes better and it will give me a kick but 90 mins later I'll sugar crash, so I want the energy and caffeine but I'll forfeit the sugar. It takes a while to adjust your taste buds but now I find I can get that sickly sweet taste out of sugar free once conditioned to it and I feel really guilty when I have sugar energy drinks too.
If it's too hot for coffee, just crush instant coffee (Folgers works best) to a fine powder and snort it like you would coke. Once you start feeling the effects, which should be within three or four minutes, irrigate your nasal passage with lightly salted warm water, or you will be sorry I promise you.
Monster ultra blue and Monster ultra red I get a Rockstar as well but more because of the fact it's really cheap at the store I frequent.
Yeah I drink the Monster. Can't remember the name but the fan is sugar free. Actually I think it's called Monster Zero. Purple looking can.
Get the zero carb/zero sugar rock star that comes in the pink can, not the white one. It taste good and also has 240 mgs of caffeine. red bull is a fucking rip off
I'll try look then. We have some rockstar here, I've seen the white can but not the pink one I don't think. The only rockstar I like is the sour apple and the sour berry one. Without fail they give me stomach pains whithin half an hour though, another reason I don't like the sugar ones. Like battery acids in my tummy.
i like amp. it just tastes like pop, whereas the rest of them have a thick syrupy thing to them that kind of grosses me out. 5 hour energy shots are alright too.
I read somewhere that a Red Bull has less caffeine than a cup of coffee. I'm a fan of Nos. There are a few good flavors. Cherry's really good.
The only thing I really like about Red Bull is the taste. It's pretty useless as an energy drink, though. And yeah, I think the small 8 oz. can has just under the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. I tried Monster once and hated it. Way too sweet. I like how with Red Bull the sweetness is cut with a good amount of tartness. I really like the taste, even though it is a ripoff as rollin' said.
i don't need the energy bullshit. its probably bad for my blood pressure anyway. but i do like the taste of javamonsters and other mocha ina can. though of course i just mix milk with powdered chocklet and decaff coffee crystals at home, yummier, cheaper, and safer for my health and life. i've noticed 'energy drinks' seem to sell. no idea what or why the market is for them. just the gullibility of idiots who think they have to prove something, i guess.
I havent had an energy drink in years but I used to drink Monster every day. Have you tried cold brew coffee?
I have never drank or even tasted an ''energy drink'' my generation thinks people that use them regularly are just being weak.....I hear students pound back these drinks when they have to study all night....explains the slob look on half the students these days....walking zzombies from lack of sleep
its ok, but mostly i just like a little coffee taste added to the chocklet taste to make it taste less sugary. former housemates used to buy and sometimes make their own.
Red Bull's good. There are these Starbucks Refreshers that are pretty good. I like Peach Passion Fruit with Coconut Water. I think they're marketed for girls because they're all glittered up. Red Bull is a particularly disturbing logo though. As it's ingredient taurine. which literally does nothing, was originally synthesized from bull and ox bile. Grab it by the bull!