End of Conversation They walled in another ghetto today,To discourage any inquiring minds,To raise, the local real estate values,To make, policing their crowds easier,Insisting, that its the will of the people!And paid the cops to keep all others out,Best to kill that one, and burn the ground!Then spent another billion, on one election,Popular comedians complained its too much!The mass media spouting whatever paid more,Just act shocked, when ghetto snipers kill cops!The gun does all the talking all around the world,Ask the NRA, why they want to arm every citizen!The billionaire mayor of NYC, arrested 26 reporters,To stop them from publicizing the Occupy Movement,To stop those without money from ever talking to them,When the pigs sprayed great grandma with pepper spray!Nobody said boo... nothing was done... end of conversation,Then bankers handed congress a list of everything they wanted.Still, half the people insist the government they call evil lie to them,While they copyright freedom speech, and start charging by the syllable.
Hippies won't put up with five guys named "Bob" and some of them even worship "Bob", so I had to come up with something creative. :O)