End of a great

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by YankNBurn, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. YankNBurn

    YankNBurn Owner

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    Time has come to put an end to this great day. Wonderful weahter, kids and nephews all rode the quad, cooked out, roomy made her famous chicken salad, had some fresh blueberries and raspberries, nice glasses of lemon ice tea, all the pups and stuff outside playing, very little bug bites and I even got my solar lights installed. Life was great today, hated to see the sun setting here, about an hour and it shall be getting dark.

    Well off to gas station so we can refill ex's head.
  2. englandroxmysox

    englandroxmysox Member

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    That day shall never end if you want that to happen as long as you remember.....

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