This girl i'm "seeing" or whatever told me the other night that she is "emotionally attached" to me after we had a bit of an arguement. What in the fuck does that mean? Or what is your interpretation of it..
Sounds like she likes you. Any further interpretation would require some background about the argument and how being "emotionally attached" came up.
Aw, is Stonie finally going to have a girlfriend? She sounds like she likes you. Like if you leave, she will lose something and it will hurt. She probably wants to be exclusive as well, like have the relationship go to 'the next level'.
I probably should have pre faced this with whats gone on in the past with her and all that, so people dont think i want to "be exclusive" with her maybe after i take a shit
When you take a girl to Ikea that means you love her. So, I highly doubt that. Stonie can't love, because he is made of stone.
My interpretation of an emotional attachment is pretty much exactly what emotional attachment describes. That being, that just being around you draws emotion from her. I assume positive emotion as I can't see how you could be attached to negative emotion unless you're completely drained of attention and even negative attention is positivity for her.
Well when we first started "talking" we both kind of agreed that it was going to be a friends with benefits type deal. But I guess she has developed more feelings for me than i have towards her. I like hanging out with her and stuff for the msot part but just dont see her ever being my actualy girlfriend. She knows I feel that way about her because we have gone over it. I have met two other girls recently wh oseem pretty cool so i'm not sure if I should just completely break it off with this girl or what. And no i havent been back to Ikea since that thread I made. i know these prolly werent the juicy details yall were lookin for, but yea.
Maybe that's the emotional attachment then, or why she's got it. You've heard before women play hard to get sort of deal? Well when you're sleeping with her but she knows you've no interest in her as a compatible partner, my instinct tells me that this is the trigger, which probably connects something in her head and it's like, almost a fetish, a burning desire and all the emotion asking herself well why, what haven't I got. So she becomes more attached in a way. You've become like a shadow person, she's insignificant to you but you're growing more increasingly significant to her. If that makes sense? All I know is, it's hard for me to not grow feelings for someone I've been sleeping with frequently. Not all women are like this but I seem to be that "attached" type if it's going well. If the sex is going well then her personality is pretty much spot on for me because that's a huge part of my sexual attraction.
I say break it off. It will hurt her because she is already attached. But, it won't hurt as much. Time makes you more attached to someone.
Because you're not sure yet these other girls like you in the same way? You know they're craving more stories involving your ass juices.
Doesn't matter if they don't want him! He bettter leads them all on before accidently ditching the one that actually wants his penis!