Eliminate humans AND the earth, and everything on what would be perfect? Nothingness? Well you're in luck buddy! According to the most cosmologists, the ultimate fate of the universe appears to be an accelerating universe, where in trillions of years, everything atom will be so far apart from every other atom, that it will seem basically empty. At least from our current definition of nothingness, nothingness awaits us all!
Okay, so honestly, if you gave me a button that would just make every human on earth pop... Don't give me that button. I think the earth should have another chance at an intelligent species. It should be the dogs time!
Unfortunately, anything that was powerful enough to eliminate all humans would also likely wreak havoc on the rest of the planet, too.
Yeah, that is what I was lol'ing about...I oftentimes have typos in my titles...and then it is like yeah...duh...until whatever thread disappears....I hate that. About your subject here...i oftentimes think that the world is too over populated, so we have quantity and not much quality for everyone's life anymore...Take a number....next....no one is valued .... but I have no wish for any population to be eradicated. Do you? Also, nature has a way of doing that....You have heard about the over crowded house of mice before...a few, everyone is happy and peaceful...over crowd it...fighting breaks out, disease, famine, ect....
or perhaps not purrrfect, but the speices is the only one knowingly and actively screwing it up. any relatively painless means of reducing the human birth rate, preferably all of them, would be a major improvement. and not just one sector of humanity more then another. the meek who inhierit the earth won't be entirely human, though they may in some sense be decendents of humanity. anyone who says there would be nothing if there wasn't us, is suffering a special kind of blindness. there wouldn't be us talking about it if there wasn't us, that much certainly. when the big tree falls, there is more sunlight for all the little trees to grow tall. it might not take long at all, for some other species, or several, to evolve from sentience to sapience, if we weren't in a sense, blocking its sun. i'm not suggesting collective suicide. ignorance, indifference, hatred of logic, are doing that. by way of our planet's environment now. there are two ways for the sapient species of the universe to protect their collective worlds and selves, from a collectively narcissistic sapient species like that of this earth. one is to help and encourage it to destroy itself: geed and hatred and the dominance of aggressiveness are that path of collective self destructiveness. the other is to help it grow up, by learning universal consideration to a much greater degree, and thus leaving those collectively self destructive things behind.
not a comet, a war, or a god floating down out of the sky, but plagues by the hundreds, multiplying monthly, weekly or even daily, into hundreds more, all as a result directly, of what we ourselves have done and are continuing to do to our planet's environment. that is what i mean by ecopocalypse, and the global changing of weather patterns, that are real and really cause by over use of combustion resulting partially from the agragate of individual choice and partially from there being so many of us making that choice. just using clean energy, propelling transportation with it, and reducing the birth rate could solve the problem and avoid the prospect of otherwise close to all of humans still living dying a slow painful death by as yet unknown illnesses. (we've passed a lot of tipping points already. but it may not be too late to salvage something of the species. breeding more of us, would be exactly the wrong thing. for the purpose of doing so.)