ed, manish...and...johanna?!

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by Edward G., Sep 4, 2005.

  1. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    Johanna has joined the conference.

    manish_rathore60 has joined the conference.

    Ed: heyhey manish
    Johanna: Hello manish
    manish_rathore60: ya
    Johanna: I'm ed's mother
    manish_rathore60: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    Ed: ya, this is my mommy
    Johanna: I hear you wanna marry my daughter?
    manish_rathore60: hi
    manish_rathore60: ya
    Johanna: Why?
    manish_rathore60: hello mam
    Ed: manish, mummy's asking why you wanna marry me
    manish_rathore60: coz i love her on my first meet
    Johanna: Yeah manish, what are your intentions? How do you plan on making her happy?
    Ed: yeah
    Johanna: Isn't that when she told you to fuck off?
    Johanna: You like that kind of stuff, huh?
    Ed: he likes it kinky
    manish_rathore60: mumma she make me full
    manish_rathore60: so iam annoy
    Johanna: How? She doesn't even cook
    Ed: i'm a terrible cook
    Ed: i can't even boil water
    Johanna: Like mother like daughter
    manish_rathore60 has left the conference.

    ahahha :D

    Ed: how do you like mummy manish?
    Ed: she says she won't let me marry you if you don't talk to her
    manish_rathore60: hey
    manish_rathore60: pls i tell u open yr cam
    manish_rathore60: 1st
    Ed: i don't have one
    manish_rathore60: than i beleive on u
    Ed: mummy won't even let me unless you IM her!
    manish_rathore60: so
    Ed: IM her
    manish_rathore60: hey say yr mumma
    Ed: kozmicblue1984


    Ed: mummy's here
    Johanna: Welcome back manish
    manish_rathore60: ok
    Johanna: You do want to talk with your future mother-in-law, don't you?
    manish_rathore60: u speak pls
    manish_rathore60: i waana
    Johanna: SO manish... You didn't answer my question yet. How do you plan on making my daughter happy?
    Johanna: What do you think about poop?
    Ed: yeah, we have a big thing about poop, us finns
    manish_rathore60: hey
    manish_rathore60: u pls beleive on me
    Ed: how are we supposed to know manish?
    Johanna: You have to prove us that your intentions are right manish.
    Johanna: Are you a wholesome young man manish?
    Ed: yeah....you could be a creepy lonely loser and all.
    Johanna: Manish, you're not being very co-operative.
    Ed: MANISH
    manish_rathore60: hey pls only cam 2 cam
    Ed: get yer ass in here NOW
    Ed: ....
    Johanna: Manish, how many kids do you want?
    manish_rathore60: mumma pls try 2n understand
    Ed: yeah....i have a small cooch, i don't want kids
    Johanna: What am I supposed to understand manish?
    Johanna: I sure hope you're better at kissing than at talking manish
    manish_rathore60: ok
    Johanna: Answer my questions manish
    Ed: well manish, have you ever kissed a girl?
    manish_rathore60: ask
    Ed: or a boy?
    Johanna: How many kids do you want?
    Johanna: How do you feel about poop?
    manish_rathore60: 2
    Ed: i want 0
    Johanna: Wrong answer manish
    Johanna: I can't let her marry you now
    manish_rathore60: poop?


    manish_rathore60: ok
    manish_rathore60: bye
    Johanna: You could marry me instead
    Ed: yeah, marry mummy manish
    Ed: then we can be brother and sister
    Johanna: You could be ed's new dad
    manish_rathore60: iam sorry 2 say that iam not yr type
    Johanna: Why not?
    Ed: oh wait...oops
    Johanna: We need to talk about biology some more eddie
    Johanna: You're breaking my heart manish
    Ed: sorry mummy
    Johanna: I forgive you my child
    Johanna: Don't you understand the meaning of poop?
    Johanna: Manish?
    Johanna: I'm disappointed in you manish
    Ed: me too
    Ed: how can you not understand the glory, the intensity, the scent of poop?!
    Johanna: I can't let you marry him, ed. He's not good enough for you.
    manish_rathore60: how would i know
    manish_rathore60: its up 2 u
    Ed: you do it everyday manish
    manish_rathore60: mumma
    Ed: how would you not know about it?
    manish_rathore60: ya
    Ed: POOP manish, POOP!
    manish_rathore60: pls help me 2 knowing them
    Johanna: Well poop is what comes out of your arse
    Ed: it's brown usually...
    Johanna: The smelly brown substance
    Ed: it goes in the toilet
    manish_rathore60: bye
    Ed: noooo
    manish_rathore60: its allover
    Ed: you don't love poop?
    Ed: why?!
    Johanna: Don't leave us manish
    Johanna: What's wrong with you?
    manish_rathore60: why i dont
    Ed: how can you break our hearts and poop?
    manish_rathore60: ican t
    Johanna: I'm sad now
    manish_rathore60: bye
    Johanna: You've made mumma cry
    manish_rathore60 has left the conference.

    ahahahaha :D oh jesus pome eating christ...hahahaa...this was sooooo funny...
  2. KozmicBlue

    KozmicBlue Senior Member

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    I've never in my life felt as rejected as I do now. :(

    :D :D :D
  3. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    Ed: hey manish...do you like my mum?
    Ed: i kinda got the impression you didn't
    manish_rathore60: its yr fault
    manish_rathore60: why u ask that q
    Ed: what?
    manish_rathore60: i dont like yr mother question
    Ed: why?
    manish_rathore60: dosent matter
    Ed: do you not like poop manish?
    manish_rathore60: bye

  4. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    manish_rathore60: bye
    Ed: what?!
    manish_rathore60: bye nahi samajti
    Ed: what's nahi samajti?
    manish_rathore60: mai janta hu tum hindustani ho
    Ed: what?!
    Ed: i ain't no hindu ho biatch!
    Ed: what's that mean?!
    manish_rathore60: kuch nahi
    Ed: WHAT?! COOCH?!
    manish_rathore60: pata nahi
    Ed: what's that mean manish
    manish_rathore60: tum sab samajti ho
    Ed: you better quit givin me that voodoo shit
    Ed: translate at once.
    manish_rathore60: hey cam 2 cam only
    Ed: not until you translate all that bullshit
    manish_rathore60: pls othrwise dont rite
    Ed: i will. tell me what you said manish.
    manish_rathore60: if u love me or respect me
    Ed: if you love or respect me tell me what all that shit meant manish
    manish_rathore60: n ill tell u iam ritr nothing wrong
    manish_rathore60: its hindi
    Ed: what's it mean dumbass?
    manish_rathore60: this is not bullshit
    Ed: (insert laughing face here...cause that was fuckin hilarious..)
    Ed: what's it mean?

    haha as of now he's stopped talking :D
  5. KozmicBlue

    KozmicBlue Senior Member

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    Haha, you're a hindu ho. :D
  6. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    manish_rathore60: wat
    Ed: all that hindi BS you were spouting
    Ed: what does it mean
    Ed: manish_rathore60: bye nahi samajti
    Ed: manish_rathore60: mai janta hu tum hindustani ho
    Ed: manish_rathore60: kuch nahi
    Ed: manish_rathore60: pata nahi
    Ed: manish_rathore60: tum sab samajti ho
    Ed: THAT
    manish_rathore60: its mean u know every thing
    Ed: in a goode way?
    Ed: how do i know everything?
    manish_rathore60: ya
    Ed: hindustani ho? wtf?
  7. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    ahah wtf? hindu ho :D lmfao

    manish_rathore60: \it mean u r an indian
    Ed: i'm not a goddamn indian, i'm WHITE
    Ed: like bread!! and plastic bags! and clouds!
    manish_rathore60: hey
    manish_rathore60: dont told me dammit again
    manish_rathore60: ok
    Ed: are you telling me what to do bitch?

    ahahaha :D
  8. gulfwinds

    gulfwinds girasoles para los amigos

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    Ed: how can you not understand the glory, the intensity, the scent of poop?!
    Johanna: I can't let you marry him, ed. He's not good enough for you.
    manish_rathore60: how would i know

    this is the highlight i swear :D :D :D
  9. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    who's that mannish person? :confused:
  10. KozmicBlue

    KozmicBlue Senior Member

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    Some Indian guy who wants to marry Ed. :rolleyes:
  11. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    how'd they meet :D
  12. KozmicBlue

    KozmicBlue Senior Member

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    He started harrassing her on yahoo. I think. :confused: And then Eddie went to see him in India. :D Except not really and he got upset. Poor Manish. :( :D
  13. below utopia

    below utopia Baby did a bad thing

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    ahhahha :D indian guys have IMed me on yahoo before asking me to be their bride.

    apparently i look indian in my picture. :rolleyes:

    some guy asked me to shit in his mouth before :eek:

  14. hippieseba

    hippieseba Member

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    hahaha ed that stuff is hilarious :D
    maybe that's why he won't talk to me anymore... :(
    that hindu ho!
  15. Jonny Rotten

    Jonny Rotten Member

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    Gay boy!!!!!:D
  16. Edward G.

    Edward G. Edwardson

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    he's not gay :( i don't think. :D fuck off jonny...:rolleyes:

    Johanna: Wrong answer manish
    Johanna: I can't let her marry you now
    manish_rathore60: poop?

    AHAHHAH i love this part :D
  17. fruit bat

    fruit bat All dumplings are real.

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    That's the best one yet. :D

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