I've been dying to meet somebody and just sleep with them. Problem is I have problems getting it up... Last time that I hooked up with a girl, I couldn't get hard for her, and we never talked again. It was humiliating, and it looks like I'm about to "get lucky" again within the week or so with a relative amount of certainty. I don't want the same thing to happen twice with my new friend. I've been in relationships before. I can't get hard the first time or two that we try. After that, it's usually a non-issue, I get hard, and it's somewhat rare to lose it during sex, though it does happen. I am 24, last time the problem occurred, I was 23. I have had issues with this since the age of 19. I want to have as much sex as I can while I'm young, albeit as safely as possible obviously. Perhaps my masturbation habits are to blame... I've gotten into a habit during "dry spells" when not having a partner of just masturbating alot, and sometimes just out of doing it so much I make myself cum before I even get hard. I'm a freaking loser lol. My fault, but admitting that doesn't help me at this moment. I love sex, and I've been able to please my previous girlfriends despite the challenge early on, was good for both of us. I want this to be a beautiful experience for our fling even though we're planning to just meet primarily for sex. I'm hoping it will be good enough that she'll want it again, and we can be FWB or something, or maybe more if we both feel it would be good that way. honestly I'm in a position in my life right now to just go with the flow, but obviously I still want this to be good. We've been talking about it for a little while and I'm near certain we'll be meeting soon. She's very beautiful, and no, she's not a man pretending to be a woman haha. What can I do within this week to maximize my chances to be good for her? I'd prefer to avoid going to the doctor for a prescription, but maybe I'll need to. I think my "ED" issues are mostly psychological, for various reasons of nerves, bad masturbation habits, and so forth. I CAN'T screw this up. I've been fetishizing a hook-up for the longest time, and after I fucked the first one up, christ I don't want it to happen again. I can't let talking about it psych me out either. I have bottles of ginko biloba, zinc, vitamin-C, DHEA, korean panax ginseng, etc. I know none of those are scientifically "proven" to help but maybe some are worth a shot? Thanks for any and all honest feedback!
Viagra. Simple as that. Some nerves the first couple of times is completely normal, but not being able to get it up at all is a little more annoying. This is important to you, so fuck all that alternate 'medicine'.