Easiest possible way to extract DMT or brew Ayhuasca??

Discussion in 'DMT' started by asilos vulnerado, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. asilos vulnerado

    asilos vulnerado Senior Member

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    Is there a way to brew Ayahuasca or extract DMT that takes relatively little time (Less than 3 hours), involves nothing being shipped online (live w/ parents), and uses a plant/plants that can be bought at a store such as waterloo gardens?
    I've seen many extraction methods but they mostly involve too much time, freezing things overnight etc.
  2. Wilson

    Wilson Member

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    I don't know too much about this stuff, but I would assume there is no 10 min "easy" extraction.

    SILVERWOLF_87 Member

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  4. Sensei

    Sensei Senior Member

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    Yes, I think. I was browsing erowid.org or deoxy.org, I don't remember. Reed canary grass ar phallaris contains DMT, and is common. Use a wheat juice extracter, (get at like whole foods or vitamin cottage) and squeeze the juice out of the plant. Let th ejuice simmer, not boil, for like an hour. Smoke the solid that is left

    SILVERWOLF_87 Member

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    *BZZZZT* Wrong. Simply boiling some grass pulp won't do jack and smoking the remnants will just load your lungs up with crud. You need to do an chemical extraction if you want to have ingestable DMT. If you're going for Ayahuasca though, you won't have to do nearly as difficult of an extraction.

    Besides, Phalaris grass contains 5-OH-DMT which is toxic. Mmmm... Toxins....
  6. uplink

    uplink Member

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    This is the most ridiculous thread in the entire world. If you aren't willing to put time into brewing/aquiring DMT, then you shouldn't even consider doing it.

    Seriously, you want to spend the shortest amount of time in the world making it, and you want to buy the equipment at waterloo gardens.

    You haven't even put in enough time to understand that making Ayahuasca does not take hours or any super special procedures, OR spent any time at all researching what kinds of plants are used in making ayahuasca. DMT is argueably the most powerful psychedelic compound in the universe. It's not something to take lightly.

    @SILVERWOLF_87: Phalaris has an extremely unreliable alkaloid content and ratio, but I can almost guarantee the bufotenine will probably be the least of your worries if you try to extract Phalaris. Although it might depend (slightly) upon the strain.

    Then again, who knows... there is NO accurate or reliable information (there is however plenty of inaccurate information) on the amount of alkaloids in Phalaris grass.
  7. Dr.Pepper

    Dr.Pepper Member

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    i hear Ayahuasca is the shit. my friend had some it looked so nasty but he traded it for some e pills (like an idiott!!!) i was wondering how hard it would be to get in the future.
  8. Jack vs. Explosion

    Jack vs. Explosion Member

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    SWIM has seen three people hit the 'uasca trail. Not a single one has come back the way he and/or she left. Not to say that they're insane or anything, because they aren't, but they surely have different perspectives when it comes to EVERYTHING.

    And a little insane...
  9. Sensei

    Sensei Senior Member

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  10. Sensei

    Sensei Senior Member

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    the bit I was talking about, from http://deoxy.org/phalarisdmt.htm


    The simplest way to prepare phalaris is to use a wheat juice extractor. This device presses the juice out of the leaves and stalks. Of course dosage becomes harder to gauge. One report on the internet suggested 1 teaspoon as a good dose and 2 teaspoons as an extreme overdose, resulting in one freaky trip. It appears likely, and has been suggested in some reports, that alkaloid levels drop when the plant dries. By taking the fresh sap, alkaloid levels should be maximized.

    Extraction of alkaloids can be performed on dry plant materials (based on Dr. Jonathan Ott's reports). An acid is used to exact the alkaloids of both the DMT and the MAOI containing plants. A solution of 1/3 lemon juice and 2/3 water is used to quickly boil the plant material. Pour off and repeat two more times. The dose is easier to determine because it is based on dry plant material. Three grams of Syrian rue per dose of DMT provides the required MAOI. Again, increasing the dosage of Syrian rue beyond 3g does not increase the potency of the DMT significantly more than 3g.

    Important note: I have always seen references to staying away from aluminum for all sorts of chemical extractions and procedures. I believe that this is because aluminum bonds with a lot of contaminants that can then find their way into the brew (just think about having to clean calcium deposits off of your aluminum coffee maker with vinegar). Always use nice glass (pyrex is much less likely to break) or stainless steel.

    The liquid form can serve as an oral dose, or it can be evaporated gently and slowly to a goo. This goo can then be smoked for a very intense dose of DMT. Or the goo can be saved for oral doses. I recommend refrigeration. I have no information as to how to best store phalaris products to prevent spoilage and loss of potency. There are a variety of chemical extraction techniques floating around on the net. I have little ability in evaluating the accuracy and safety of these techniques. I prefer to speak on subjects in which I have some faith in my knowledge. In any case, it does not seem likely that for small time experimenters, chemical reductions to pure alkaloids will be necessary. The above methods should work.
  11. 2cesarewild

    2cesarewild I'm an idiot.

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    lol, anything is smokeable, but smoking seeds isn't going to be anything like smoking DMT, and it will most likely make you queasy and hurt your lungs.
  12. RealitaT

    RealitaT Member

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    The easiest way to get a similiar high is with 5-MeO-DMT, go to the local pet store and get a toad of the species Bufo Alvarus sold under the name Colorado River Toad or Sonoran Desert Toad. The venom it secretes contain psychoactive levels of 5-MeO-DMT and Bufotenin (Cane Toad... Bufotenin only. Lickin toads man) can easily be extracting using pressure on the venom glands without hurting the toad. then putting the venom on a glass plate and let dry, smoked in a glass pipe with a undercarriage material smoked like hash with the flame heating the bottom. the high is similiar to DMT but has greater physical effects and a lesser degree of visuals but none the less... mind blowing experience.

    http://www.erowid.org/animals/toads/toads.shtml and
    for more info.
  13. uplink

    uplink Member

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    The toad thing doesn't really work. You can try it and see, but it has too much bufotenine, and not enough DMT. Somebody on this forum already talked about it not working for them.
  14. Geneity

    Geneity self-proclaimed advocate

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    Heh, I wanted to use Yopo seeds in my 'Huasca but considering the main active alkaloid in Yopo is 5-OH-DMT (bufotenine), it's probably not a good idea. I just know I won't be able to get 10 grams of mimosa down as a drink, it just won't happen.
  15. uplink

    uplink Member

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    The main active alkaloid definitely is not 5-HO-DMT. It's 5-MeO-DMT.

    You might be thinking of another seed which contains higher 5-HO-DMT (there are many).
  16. Geneity

    Geneity self-proclaimed advocate

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    I was thinking of the one that starts with a V. Vilica I think it is. Bah.

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