Earth is a living organism. Change my mind.

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by DrRainbow, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Earth is a magical singularity that channels the life-force of the universe from the Big Bang as virtual particles, and the best description is "Gaia". The virtual particles are what produce things like gravity, and are what distinguish organic from inorganic, while the complexity of the earth's composition, moon, dynamics, combined with the solar system create a sort of cosmic egg for the evolution of humanity. We have yet to emerge from the egg, and the complexity of the earth increases as you move away from the core, trading energy for information, and producing nonlinear temporal effects.

    What all that means is, the principle of identity is vanishing down the nearest rabbit hole or toilet that you prefer, and whether the earth is alive or dead just depends on the observer and the context, similar to a virus, which is only considered alive when it inhabits a living host. From far away the earth is a dimensionless point of light, from deep underground a barren rock, and each observer must always decide for themselves whether anything is alive or dead according to the context. I'm working on the specific linguistics and mathematics if you're interested, but it means words only have demonstrable meaning according to the specific context, and the only thing I can convince anyone of, is to hopefully share their words and play nice. :)

    Bullshit Fuzzy Logic | | The Online Writing Community
    DrRainbow likes this.
  3. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    No disrespect to the OP but I wanted to vibe.​
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm the master of metaphors in western literature, and know more than a little about Asian metaphors. Seriously, Ursula Le Guin is considered among the top in western literature for her expertise with metaphors, and has published her own version of the Tao Te Ching, but I could show her the mathematics behind it all, and where she makes mistakes. Final Fantasy is Japanese, and it most certainly is romantic fantasy of the Japanese variety, who are also famous for providing most the plots for spaghettis westerns. We are spirits in the material world, and I am working on automating instant karma, which is inevitable. Then you can talk to Gaia yourself, if she thinks you are worth her time.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  5. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    I really intended this to be about Gaia so much. I earlier googled if the term Terra is was older than Gaia. To my surprise... Terra is Roman but Gaia is Greek. I thought that Terra was Latin.
  6. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Latin is Roman, but my specialty is in the quantum mechanics and analog logic of the Tao Te Ching, and not dead languages.

    Gaia is what half the world knows as "The Mother of All" and "Great Void", from whence all the good things doth spring forth. Even the ancient Greeks worshipped her as the source of abundance. She is your mother, the truth is your father, and he never disagrees with her, so I suggest you don't either.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  7. DrRainbow

    DrRainbow Ambassador of Love

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    Politics ought to amplify that a whole lot more for us.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  8. Rotten Willie

    Rotten Willie Members

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    The earth may not be an organism per se but is an ideal host for them. We are finding them even in the deepest rocks of the earth's crust

    Deep-Biosphere Endoliths - These endoliths have been found in deep, extremely hot (over 100° C) or cold (up to -15° C) rock, miles beneath the ocean floor. In addition, researchers have found evidence for endolithic communities surviving in deep mines, such as a South African gold mine. (more info) Organisms living in these environments not only deal with extreme temperatures, but also intense pressures, total darkness, and anoxic conditions. Like cryptoendoliths, deep biosphere endoliths have stimulated interest in exobiology. Nanobacterial fossils may indicate that endolithic life once existed on other planets. For more information about nanobacteria, visit the nanobacteria collection.

    Some theorize that these are the seeds of life that had arrived here inside meteoroids from ancient star systems billions of years ago.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Instant karma is about to automated, and should eventually produce a meritocracy of some sort.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  10. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The ancient Chinese believed life first evolved spontaneously underground, out of rocks and metals, and then evolved and made its way to the surface. The latest evidence implies life may have evolved practically everywhere on the planet. At the rate they are going, they may discover that life can evolve anywhere, including the vacuum of space itself.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  11. Rotten Willie

    Rotten Willie Members

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  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    The truth is much simpler, and something half the planet is somewhat familiar with. The principle of identity is going down the rabbit hole in every way imaginable, because 42 is as good as it gets. The results include funky nonlinear temporal dynamics. For example, photons can cross the empty gulf of space with 100% efficiency and perfect fidelity, gravity appears to be magical action-at-a-distance, and magnets stick to the fridge without expending any energy, all because half of everything can be considered magical or inexplicable. The only requirement to gain a better grasp on the magic of life, is to examine the big picture and to assume that humor has something meaningful to say about logic.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  13. Rotten Willie

    Rotten Willie Members

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    Cool video tho, huh? I like Black Sabbath's version better, but this isn't too bad, considering most of their music is unintelligible. My mom has always been convinced the earth was seeded by aliens. Maybe she was right after all.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  14. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I've had people tell me they were visited by angels and aliens, while I'm good friends with a dragon. My own view is that its a magical universe, and the universe itself can be considered alive, and providing what each requires to keep reaching higher.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  15. Jesse49

    Jesse49 Members

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    The universe is the creator of worlds. Energy cannot be made, only transferred.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  16. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Energy and information are observer and context dependent for their identity, making time both real and illusory.
    DrRainbow likes this.
  17. Standard husband unit

    Standard husband unit Members

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    From an tectonic perspective, the OP is correct. Once the plates cease moving the planet will shed its atmosphere and 'die'
    DrRainbow likes this.

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