Hello, this morning I took a walk downtown and delivered two letters. That spared me two bucks worth of stamps. I think I will invest the money in an ice lolly later this day . Regards Gyro
Hello, yeah, ice lollies are great for your health. Imagine all the suggar and the artifical colouring. I think I will choose a blue one. That colours your inside blue from the tongue down to the other end . Regards Gyro
you're going to buy an ice carving of an under-aged prostitute with what you saved by delivering two letters instead of mailing them? forgive me, i do know what you mean, however the worlds ARE capable of being interpreted in that manor. (especially around here)
Hello, a national standard letter costs 0.60 EUR (about 0.82 $US). But I had five or six pages in it and that made it too heavy for a standard letter. So I would have paid 0.90 EUR (about 1.22 $US) for it. Regards Gyro