Ear peircing kits??

Discussion in 'Body Modification' started by willowbaby89, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. willowbaby89

    willowbaby89 Member

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    My friends and I were all at the store and they all fell in love with a bunch of diffrent pericings,so they got all of them (Like $45 worth),now heres the problem,none of them have anything peirced!!!THey want to peirce themselfs,at first they just wanted to shove safty pins thorough their eyebrows,ears and lower lips,and I told them that would be a dumb idea but they still wanted to do it,so I told them at the very least they could buy an ear peircing kits(with peircing guns) and try doing it that way.Have any of you periced yourself this way?!?!?They all wanted to have it done that way because none of their parents would let them get it done,heh.Will this all lead to them getting infected?
  2. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    first off, piercing your ears with a safty pin isnt the right way to go but ive done it(but realy dont do it), the only thing i would pierc myself is my ear lobes but even that you realy shouldnt do,DONT USE PIERCING GUNS they can spread blood dieses and infections,if they do pierc themselfs have them buy needles for piercing,that are sterlized and packaged properly,cause if there going to do it themself they should alest do it the best they posably can
  3. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Ear piercing "guns" are evil.............. they shatter cartilage and do the piercing in a violent manner that causes all sorts of trauma.

    Go to a piercing salon and have it done properly and hygenically.
  4. Magical Mystery Girl

    Magical Mystery Girl Member

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    I used to pierce ears and I've been wanting to purchase a kit so I could do them from my home for people.
  5. seahorse

    seahorse Senior Member

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    i have a piercing kit. it's fun and i always make sure to clean everything really well before i pierce someone. And all i do is ears and noses, nothing else would work with a gun.
  6. Gr8fulyDeadicated

    Gr8fulyDeadicated Member

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    i hope you are doing more than boiling and bleaching the equipment. that doesn't work. you are risking serious shit if that's all you're using. my hubby buys all single use equipment, presterilized, in nifty little bubble packs, and his mom (a nurse) takes our sharps to drop off. an autoclave is mucho buckos, but the only right way to go if yer reusing equipment. ebay, baby!
  7. Gr8fulyDeadicated

    Gr8fulyDeadicated Member

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    uh, how in the hell do you hide an eyebrow piercing from your parents? if you take it out, they close right up - my hubby's closed up in 3 hours.

    unsanitary conditions lead to infections, not self-piercing. i say they should wait till they can do it right and can flaunt it with pride, but what do i know? i'm just an old fogey mom...
  8. Erunhere

    Erunhere Member

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    Look... I had done ALL of my piercings all by myself... or went at a friend but never at a piercing artist. I never had any infections problems. I think the guns suck.. I mean come on man.... piercing is mor than pulling a trigger...
    Al you have to do is to take care of your pierce man!
  9. ahimsa

    ahimsa Senior Member

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    I speed every time I drive a car, but I've never gotten in an accident. Just because you've pierced yourself many times w/o incident doesn't mean its not a problem.

    Piercing things yourself is not a good idea because:
    1. You can't get the proper hollow point neeedle, which means you'll be using blunt, solid point needles. These hurt alot more, lead to more scarring, and aren't available in the propper sizes and materials
    2. You don't have an autoclave at home. Sure, you can clean things to a point, but not as well as a piercer.
    3. you don't have the anatomical/aesthetic knowledge a piercer has. You might not even know simple things such as angling eyebrow rings make them look better, or how to check for major blood vessels.

    I'm not saying piercing things yourself will lead to an ear falling off; however, you greatly increase your chances of problems.


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