I guess as this is Random thoughts I can place a Random thought here! I was layin on my back watchin an Eagle soar aorund i the sky above me for hours it seemed. I so wonder what it would be like to be able to be able to soar high above the mountains and trees and feel the wind on your face and see all the wonderful sights an eagle see. If I ever com back as anything other then a person I want to be an Eagle.
I lived on an Island in the Aleutian chain for a while. There were Bald Eagles everywhere, sitting on houses, in the bed of my truck...everywhere. Their favorite hangout was at the dump or scavenging from dumptsters. As beautiful as an eagle is, particularly in flight, I now see them as the scavengers they really are.
I doubt my Eagles have ever seen a dump. Or at least I want to think that as I love them so much can't think of them as a glorified seagull
Cool love those big spoon like antlers they have they look so amazing when they are in velvet. Great choice dude
I never thought of that when I registered I just went with what most people call me it a nick name I have had for every and a day.