E-lec-tri-cal Banana is now a Sudden Craze and the very Next Phase!

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Toker, Aug 26, 2024.

  1. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    After nearly 60 years, Donovan's prediction that electrical banana would be a sudden craze and the very next phase has finally come true.

    Researchers in Pakistan of all places, have figured a way to use some of that country's 80 million tons of annual banana waste to generate electricity, as well as textiles, biofuel and fertilizer.

    Rather than adding pollution to the air, land and water, bananas can be recycled into energy, clothes and more food!
    MayQueen~420~ and MeAgain like this.
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Do I need to go to Pakistan to get my banana suite.?

    On a serious note, India and Pakistan seem to be leading the world in common sense solutions on environmental issues these days.
    This is on top of medicine, where a recent thread started by Aja (sorry if I have the name wrong, but you know) has revealed a link between LOW cholesterol and dementia. The west are getting everything wrong these days.
    Don't even mention corn syrup. American fatties now have about 5 types of diabetes. Hopefully the recent ban of American manufactured Coke onto the UK will wake someone up about the sugar that is not sweet and requires 13 times the concentration.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    I keep hearing Donovan singing that song!
    Toker likes this.

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