Anyone use them? When I found out that my girlfriend is pregnant, I went and got me a nice mechanical mod with an RDA at an e-cig store next door to my house. I had been smoking a pack to a pack and a half of ciggs a day for about 10 years. Gotta say I'm pretty happy with it. I haven't craved a cigg at all, and it's been about 11 weeks. There are vape shops all over town, each with their own line of juices. I've found several that I like. I feel a lot better. Smell better. For the first time in my entire life I can recognize how awful burning tobacco smells.
I don't use them regularly, but yeah, it beats the hell out of all that cancer. As to people who say they crave cigarettes when they're using them, I say they have deeper problems than nicotine addiction, I'd say they have all sorts of mental crutch type issues. Don't cigarettes reek? They smell fine when I have one now and again outside, but when people smoke inside, or even regularly outside, everything smells fucking disgusting.
I like e-cigs but I'm also a true blooded, hard core smoker. For the e-cigs, V2 is my favorite. They have AWESOME customer service and unbeatable rewards programs. They can improve in the flavor department (I think Buck Naked has the best liquids) but their mocha and peppermint flavors are primo. I heard bad things about Mark10, Marlboro's e-cig, so I won't even bother to try it. If you want to give V2 a try, if you haven't already, you can use my referral code (1177935) to get a discount. You'll get your own referral code and when people buy using your code, you'll get credits. They used to give 100 credits for registering and signing up for their e-newsletter but I don't know if they still do that. 100 credits is worth $10. Here's the site:
i started using e-cigs about 2 years ago. at first i would sometimes feel like i wanted a real cigarette, but now, cigarettes are truly disgusting to me. i have both the mini protank 2 and 3, the 3 has dual coil atomizer.
i'll hit an e-cig occasionally if it's offered, just because they kind of taste good and i do kind of enjoy smoking things. but then, i've never been addicted to cigarettes, so i don't think you're really looking for my opinion here.
I see people with them and think they look a bit douchey, but that's just my opinion. I can't really see the purpose of it personally, but to each their own. As far as I understand, despite the fact that there is no combustion involved with e-cigs, the fluids they use are still primarily chemical concoctions, so I don't see how "healthy" it can be to be inhaling it into your lungs. I have read that e-cigs can actually be even more toxic than smoked tobacco. If I was a user of tobacco, I almost think I would rather smoke the natural, unadulterated substance than vaporize some chemical fluid. Yeah, there is the aspect of there being no carcinogenic smoke produced, but the fact of the matter is that you're still taking a chemical substance into your body. In this case, are e-cigs really that much better for you?
Good article from Mercola on the toxicity of e-cigarettes: http://articles.***********/sites/articles/archive/2013/04/10/electronic-cigarette.aspx Interesting segment from this article:
I assume you are not a smoker, and neither am I. Non smokers possibly that less likely to read up and investigate, not that being a smoker means one is more likely to do solid reading, but if you do, you'll see its quite the same similar type of battle as with fat vs sugar in the diet "wars" By that I mean there are a lot of conflicting stances based on what survives as popular myth vs actual research, most reserach is done via correlation, so often impossible to have a control group. Billions of dollars in cancer research, probably trillions over the last 50 years, 100s of thousands of "scientists" the world over in the same period. And yet we still cant answer questions like the assumption you made at the start. How much of the risk is about combustion, compared to the actual chemicals. Smoking is an easy target and gets more attention cos the smoke smells bad and its obvious and in your face and the majority will just run with that, tell off smokers for smoking when they are 400 pounds only eat take away and drink a gallon of soft drink a day. Out of all the actual "known carcinogens" in cigarette smoke which are the most harmful and by how much?, how many arent in natural tobacco but are introduced in manufacturing. Why the fuck dont most governments in the world allow their citizens to grow their own tobacco? You look at the bell curve for when smokers die of lung cancer, looks almost the same as every other cancer, in that most of it happens when people hit their 60s, so how many of those if they had never smoked would have ended up getting another type of cancer a few years later i.e they would have lost to that genetic lottery anyway, where do you find a control group for that, impossible to correlate it out. Genetics first, then diet and exercise come in 2nd and 3rd. Anything to do with cigarettes would come in at least 4th, but I'd argue alcohol is worse, so alcohol 4th, cigarettes 5th. I say the same kind of thing as the diet "wars" because its a whole lot of people talking out of their arse, or have a vested financial interest or agenda in one angle, or simply will never admit that no, they dont really know what they are talking about, or they just go along with what they think they are supposed to say, or that cigarette smoke smells worse than KFC so D'uh smoking must be worse than hormone, transfat and sugar laden chicken fried in unsaturated oils Genetics first is something no one is comfortable with, some are just fucked from the start, this dude is going to smoke and drink like a maniac but he'll still live ten years longer than you cos life is just that fair
They're made of proplyene glycol and vegetable glycerine. People can get e-liquids that have no nicotine in them. I don't doubt that each manufacturer is different. V2 offers batch reports for their products. See the video on their page: I'd say e-cigs are by far much safer and healthier than tobacco.
Rat, none of that is relevant to the one I use. I use an Rebuildable dripping atomizer, instead of a cartomizer. And I use a mechanical mod so I don't have any soldering.....just mechanical connections. The juice I buy is made by the shop that sells it. A lot of it is organic, some not. It's no grass fed beef or anything, but it's a far cry from tobacco
For one thing with e cigs you're not getting tar, which is the worst thing about smoking.No doubt they are not 100% 'safe', but if you're addicted to nicotine they're probably a good way to initially stop smoking at least.
^right. I don't think anyone's claiming that they're actually healthy, but a healthIER alternative to smoking.