Hello everyone. For the passed two weeks i have been taking mucenex Dm to get high. I have done extensive research on the subject and know all of the risks i take. IN the passed two weeks i am guessing i have consumed around 32 of them. One time was two days within each other (was about 15in those two days) i've learned that i prefer a smaller high, around 350Mg. Which is 6 pills. Yesterday night i took 6 after a 4 day break. I was wondering if i am okay to take 6 again tonight. It has been 24 hours. The guaf. In the pills have yet to ever make me puke or even remotely feel different. I do enjoy the dxm high very much, though. I've combined it with weed as well as alcohol and haven't had any negative effects. I've only got 14 pills left and then i am done with Cs and dxm for GOOD. I am just going out with a mild bang. I plan to take the 6 tonight and then the rest all in one go after a extended break. (2 weeks). My question is, will i be okay to take these 6? Once again, i feel fine and haven't had any negative aide effects at all. Thanks. (Sorry for posting this in multiple places, noone ever replied. I am about to just take them)
Read the dxm FAQ by William White here: https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/faq/dxm_faq.shtml it will tell you just about everything you need to know about DXM.