Man with 6 months to live 'devastated' after DWP ask him to reapply for benefits For a so-called modern Western nation, this just sickens me. And there are plenty more cases which I've heard about in the media like Ron's. We have become an inhumane society.
Tell me about it !!! - I was a founder member of a neighbourhood Law Centre and have seen cases like these for the past 40 odd years !!!
There seems to be a lot of this going on . A lot of these letters are probably computer generated but that is no excuse as jobs have been slashed from various departments . Its cases like this were a human over view is needed before any letters are sent out.
As I posted t'other day - look at the DWP's latest whizz !!! DWP website included 'striptease artist' in list of jobs claimants could search for
so why doesn't he reapply? if i was receiving benefits, i think i'd rather just follow the standard reapplication procedure that was surely explained right off the bat, rather than have this DWP agency spying on everything i do in order to determine my current health status.
This is not a simple procedure, and it can take weeks for a renewal to be approved. The bloke is almost completely PARALYZED and about to DIE. Would you want to deal with a ton of forms and questions about your health in that condition?
Now look what the bastards are up to: Hi everyone! From June 3rd 2019, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) began sending out a revised version of their much contended letter to GPs. This is the second time the letter has now been revised due to outrage by Z2K (Zacchaeus 2000 Trust), supporting charities, MPs, claimants, doctors and patients. The revised letter begins with “We no longer need Statements of Fitness for Work (known as Fit Notes) for your patient as they are fit for work” The letter then repeats this same statement and bullet points three ways in which doctors may still issue fit notes subject to their ‘clinical discretion’. This letter either assumes expert benefit knowledge or relies on the GP researching the links provided. While this new letter does give some guidance to GPs as to when they can provide fit notes we believe the letters continue to actively dissuades or stops GPs from making decisions that they should be able to make without interference from the DWP. We continue to campaign against these letters in all their forms - can you help by sharing the petition with your friends and family to help keep it growing and on the radar of the DWP? Use the buttons below to share on social media: You can find out more about the campaign so far on our website here. Despite the new letters being in place, we still don’t know how many people are affected by the old letters. If you've personally had your doctor tell you they've been unable to provide you with a fit note because of the ESA65B letter – please get in touch: While the DWP said they are in the process of updating the consent wording, we do not know when this will be. You can find out more here about consent issues, and follow this guidance from Disabled People Against Cuts to make it clear you do not consent to the outcome of your Work Capability Assessment being sent to your GP. Thank you for your continued support, Ella and the Z2K team
Its a witch hunt sponsored by the KKK and Homeland Security no doubt. They see what is happening with the president's credibility dividing the country 60-40 and the entire civilized world mocking him and shunning him, and they know it is now or never to push everything they can just as far as possible. As far as they are concerned, even if he is found guilty of treason, he is doing the right thing. I keep insisting the US no longer has a functional government and is run by the KKK, and people look at me like I'm nuts, despite all the evidence from decades of university studies confirming what I say. Libertarian rhetoric is nothing more than fascist bullshit, promoted by the KKK. The US is rapidly imitating South Africa with a shrinking white population about to cause another civil war. They hold all the positions of power.
The KKK actually started taking over US politics over twenty years ago, and the US no longer has a real government. The UK is behind the US, but as our closest ally they will always follow in our footsteps when it comes to fascism. We are the big brother, who tells you who to hang. Once England no longer has to worry about dead weight, they are ready to follow the US to the grave, because they have fewer friends every year, and money is their best friend yet. Mexico is our ghetto, Canada is our suburb, while England is our easternmost bulwark. I would estimate that if the Themes doesn't drown you, England will have no choice either way. Burning your candles at both ends sucks when you don't have any spares, while the US could lose half its cities, and still kick everyone's ass. Military people and English navy brats in particular appreciate the simple facts when it comes to water, and losing all of your ports. Another fifty years tops, and the mass migrations will ensue. However, several continent sized chunks of ice about to break off in different parts of the world, could change that overnight. If they all go, the seas could rise 20 feet or more within three years. The only thing you can count on, is that the assholes running the world are never going to be up to the challenge, making AI the future, because there's no intelligent life around here.
The US and UK mass media share the same censors and spread the same negativity wherever they go. Ya'll have slightly higher standards then the US, but money changes everything fast. Every fascist in the so-called free world has gotten the message, that its time to break out their swastikas. Fascists aren't big on borders, and really like government jobs in positions of authority. They mix em up right in the kitchen sink, and share recipes.
LOL, a dozen of my best friends are English, because I'm a navy brat. The British navy knows civilian politics are a fantasy, promoted by reality TV. Just like in the US. The two governments pull the wool over everyone's eyes as hard as they can, because civilians are total idiots. They talk about censorship, never even recognizing it in their daily lives. Bullshit walks, England is now a sinking island nation, of no use to the empire as anything more than a port. Although, ya'll are still the best with radar. How would you like to pay for the other half of NATO and the UN? Will that be cash, credit, or fantasy? Maybe we can move all business and military bases to Ireland instead, their economy is finally worth paying attention to, and they'd love nothing more than to purchase parts of England at a discount.
British benefit system is crazy.. you have people unable to work through genuine illness. People unable to work because they are drug addicts. People missing limbs due to combat.. People unable to work because of illness they were born with.. Then you have foreigners coming and claiming benefits for families in other countries.. disability because you dont speake English.. what's that about? Cant work because your a pedofile...? And your life is at! I know of a couple who are both drug addicts and becoming worse on the mental health issues because of the drugs... no help! Registered alcoholics in the UK get extra money??? The government buys them alchol! It's easy to see how we could save money on our benefit system.. Housing, people claiming benefits.. renting every room in their social housing dwelling, and they dont even live in this country... yep, all true.. but a bunch of high paid politicians do nothing about it... if I can see it.. why cant they?
All of the EU was encouraged by the US to invest in their populations, while we footed the bills for the military and made everyone dependent upon the banks. No offense, Europe has been nothing but trouble since the Roman Empire, and your days of empire are over. The last thing the US wants is another world war when we already own the fucking world. So we basically put the entire EU into debt to the international conglomerates and left you as helpless as a little old lady with a can of mace for defense. Owning people is what empires do, but the English don't like to think about other people owning their asses for a change.
What are you on about? This is a UK topic.. of great interest to the UK people.. it's not your shit to own... so back off... not everything is about the U S of bloody A,,,
i wouldn't want to deal with that in any condition, but i can understand why these agencies require it. i still don't know how they were even supposed to know about his condition in the first place.
You are required to provide information and medical evidence when you first apply for benefit and any changes to your medical conditions subsequently must also be reported.
do we know if he did that? i tried to click on the article and got a million popups so i quickly closed it.
Yes we do know that, because he would have had to complete the claim form (a booklet full of questions) and provide any relevant medical evidence to substantiate his claim in the first place !!!