Dung Worriers Blocking Proponents From Attending

Discussion in 'Cannabis Activism' started by DdC, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. DdC

    DdC Member

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    Protest Planned

    The conference, sponsored by the National Narcotic Officers Association, California Peace Officers Association, DARE America, Drug Free America Foundation, California Narcotic Officers Association, BB&K Law Firm and other narcotic police officer and related associations, is aimed at devising strategies for deterring the burgeoning political marijuana legalization movement and halting the growing acceptance of medical marijuana.

    According to Lanny Swerdlow, Director of the Brownie Mary Democratic Club and one of the organizers of a planned peaceful protest, “This not only shows how paranoid they are, but graphically demonstrates they know just how indefensible their position is. They know the media will be there and they are mortified that we will be there to give the media another side of the story -- the side they are working against.” continued @ hightimes
    Blocking Proponents From Attending; Protest Planned

    Lanny's MAPP Newsletter
    September 22, 2013 SPECIAL RALLY UPDATE
    Despite the repeated attempts by the organizers of the NarcoCop conference to confuse us, the rally is going on as scheduled on Monday, Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We have had a terrific response from folks all over California as well as out of state, so join with your friends and allies to make a positive statement about the need for police to stop opposing the development of marijuana distribution systems in states that have legalized its use medically and recreationally.


    Money Grubbing Dung Worriers

    The Assassins of Youth:DARE † FRCn PDFA

    “We have spent over a trillion dollars trying to eradicate the world’s most beneficial plant off the face of the earth. Imagine what a better world this would be if that money had been spent on treatment, education and studying the medical benefits of marijuana.”
    – Steve Hager – High Times Editor (1988 – 2003)

    Thank you Miss Rosa
    ☮The Racist Ganjawar
    ☮Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and MMJ Prohibition
    ☮Nixon’s Drug War
    - Re-Inventing Jim Crow,
    Targeting The Counter Culture
    ☮JIM CROW 2012
    ☮The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
    ☮Using the drug war to keep blacks from voting
    ☮Another Win For Civil Rights
    ☮Scientist: Trayvon Martin’s Marijuana Use
    Had Nothing to Do with the Night He Died

    White Supremacy: Its Source and Uses

    “Naturally the common people don’t want war…but after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship…all you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
    Herman Goering
    during the Nuremberg Trials

    Lost political causes by William Buckley

    Calvina Fay Prohibition Inc.

    “The anti-marijuana campaign is a cancerous tissue of lies, undermining law enforcement, aggravating the drug problem, depriving the sick of needed help, and suckering well-intentioned conservatives and countless frightened parents.
    ~ William F. Buckley, Jr. Requiescat In Pace
    Commentary in The National Review,
    April 29, 1983, p. 495

    Sheriff Stanek’s misdirection on marijuana
    Article by: RUSS BELVILLE

    Shame on the Drug Worrier Profiteers

    11 Enemies of Marijuana Legalization

    This ties in with the latest flap. Paul Chabot and the CNOA have organized a conference, supposedly open to all concerned groups. Chabot got wind of one MMJ advocate from S.D. who he recognized, and sent him a phony e-mail, designed to throw him off the track by announcing the conference had been moved. obviously, the MMJ advocate was smart enough to double check the venue and discovered it was a ruse designed to send protesters to the wrong address.

    Responsses Not fooled, advocates went ahead and advised all that the venue was NOT changed, and still plan to protest. That’s when Paul and his group sent out THIS piece of unabashed reefer madness and smear: no, really…I didn’t use tiny URL because I really want everybody to see the sort of scumball Paul Chabot is. Seriously. Read this %%#*

    A foiled attempt to throw off planned attendance at their “anti-’marijuana’ training” conference by some of our side…

    Public · By Brownie Mary Political Club

    Our rally: [from Lanny Swerdlow, R.N.]:
    Join us this Monday, Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    and demand that the police “Uphold the Law,
    Protect Our Freedoms and End Their Reefer Madness”
    at the Plaza in front of the Victoria Garden’s Cultural Center
    at 12505 Cultural Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739.

    Wall of Shame

    GOP Mogul Behind Drug Rehab ‘Torture’ Centers

    “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
    – J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director

    Kubby TV #6:
    The Endocannabinoid System by Dr. David Allen

    Eric Holder’s Drug War Deception
    By Steve Kubby, Cannabis Culture - 9.19.13
    In recent remarks at the American Bar Association convention in San Francisco, Holder even publicly acknowledged and praised US Attorney for northern CA, Melinda Haag, just prior to his remarks about the unintended consequences of the drug war, suggesting that the war against medical marijuana will continue unabated.

    Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath

    Drug Czar linked to deception
    - Drug Czar is Required by Law to Lie
    - UK’s Drugs Czar Fired For Marijuana Truths
    - Cover-Ups, Prevarications, Subversions & Sabotage
    - Anti-Drug Campaigns Dumb Down Vital Message

    Does Our Government Have Patents On Medical Marijuana?
    The US Government classifies marijuana as Schedule 1 defined as, ”No medicinal value and highly addictive” yet they own the patent for using cannabinoids as an antioxidant and neuro-protectant.

    US Government Patents Medical Pot

    Is The DEA Legalizing THC?

    "I don’t know of anyone who can make a dollar go further than policemen and dry agents. By frugality, after a year in the service, they acquire automobiles and diamonds."
    – Rev. Marna S. Poulson, superintendent of the New Jersey Anti-Saloon League, in a May 1925 address to a prohibition rally in Atlantic City, as reported in the New York Times and the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings of 1926 on National Prohibition.

    U.S.Fort Schwag Mississippi

    Patients Out of Time

    "The drys seemingly are afraid of the truth. Why not take inventory and ascertain the true conditions. Let us not leave it to the charge of an antiprohibition organization, or to any other private association, let us have an official survey and let the American people know what is going on. A complete and honest and impartial survey would reveal incredible conditions…."
    – Fiorella H. LaGuardia,
    The National Prohibition Law,
    Hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary,
    U.S. Senate, 69th Congress, 1st Session (1926): 649-52

    large 1275x1650 poster

    Lanny's MAPP Newsletter
    September 21, 2013

    “Uphold the Law, Protect Our Freedoms, End Reefer Madness”

    Paul Chabot and his group of federal money grubbing drug warriors have sunk to such a low level that to describe their antics as infantile would be giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    On Friday they were back to their old tricks and clumsily tried twice to throw us off course and into disarray by sending out another fake email purported to be sent to all ticket holders for their NarcoCop conference. Here are some excerpts from the email:

    “Due to a threat of disturbance from the radical drug legalization groups, we have taken significant safety precautions. As many of your will begin your travel tomorrow and Saturday, please BE ADVISE Do not show up to Victoria Gardens - a hostile pot crowd will be there and they have threatened to get themselves arrested. Due to the nature of our peaceful conference, and many children who are registrants, we are forced to make this decision.”

    “The drug legalization crowd is well known for being hostile and at times, outright dangerous.”

    “As we know from research, marijuana causes significant mental problems - and we clearly do not want to be near a crowd of people with mental problems, who exhibit a failure in judgment and propensity for violence.”

    To see the entire email CLICK HERE.

    The rally is going on exactly as scheduled – no changes or alterations of any kind. They have failed and failed big time. They left a digital paper trail and we know who sent these emails and have taken appropriate action.

    We have behaved courteously and honestly and have conducted ourselves in a professional manner. Paul Chabot and his minions are mortified that we are going to be there challenging their ignorant, avaricious and muddleheaded support of marijuana prohibition and the racist, inhumane and futile War on Drugs.

    The media will be there in force and will most likely dutifully report that there were an “awful” lot of people out front protesting the conference. Since the media loves conflict, they will report our side of the issue in contrast to the drug warriors’ side which is what is driving Paul Chabot and the sponsors of this rancid conference up a wall.

    Just how many “awful” people there will be depends to a certain extent on you. Although there are people coming from all over the state of California, the majority will be coming from Southern California and you should be one of them.

    These are the people who want to use your tax dollars to overturn Prop. 215 and to sabotage the ongoing political process that is leading to marijuana legalization. These are the people who cajole local governments into passing bans on collectives and outdoor grows and force patients to obtain their medicine from criminals. These are the people who pressure our elected officials into passing more and more draconian drug laws so as to swell their ranks with many Narcocops and prison guards earning six figure annual salaries.

    These are the people who seize your property, sell it and keep the money for themselves. These are the people who take your children from you. These are the people who arrest and prosecute you. These are the people who put you and your family members in jail.

    They do it because they can and too many Americans are afraid to stand up and say this is gone too far. We pay police officers to enforce the law, not to make the law. A country in which police make the law is a POLICE STATE.

    Join us this Monday, Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and demand that the police “Uphold the Law, Protect Our Freedoms and End Their Reefer Madness” at the Plaza in front of the Victoria Garden’s Cultural Center at 12505 Cultural Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739.


    1. Weather.com reports that Monday, Sept. 23 is going to be a very warm day with temperatures in the low 90’s. Dress appropriately for the weather, but please dress nicely. Hats would be a good idea.
    2. The Plaza in front of the Cultural Center is a large open space directly in the sun, so if you have a pop-up canopy, it would be great if you could bring it and set it up so there will be shade.
    3. There will be seating for about 100 people but you might want to bring your chair anyway.
    4. Restrooms and drinking fountains are readily available by the Plaza but you might want to bring some water bottles.
    5. There are many restaurants and take out stands near-by but it is perfectly OK for you to bring your own food and drink. Please be advised that no alcohol is allowed.
    6. There is No Smoking of ANY KIND allowed on the Plaza or anywhere in Victoria Gardens. If you need to smoke you can smoke on the sidewalk along the street behind the Cultural Center – about a three minute walk from the Plaza.
    7. Although no problems are expected, there will be San Bernardino County Sheriff Officers’ present. They have assured me that they are not there to interfere with our rally in any way as long as we don’t get to boisterous or cause any problems. They will also protect us from the Drug Warriors if their testosterone levels surge when they see us.
    8. There will be a sound system for the speakers, but as there is a library right next to the Plaza there will be a limit on the sound volume. I assured them that our crowd will be orderly and conduct themselves in a professional manner. Please act appropriately and remember your actions will reflect upon all of us.
    9. I still need a few more monitors to keep everything running smoothly. Please contact me and let me know if you can help out as a monitor. I will be very grateful for your help. Contact me by either sending me an email or calling me at 760-799-2055.
    10. We are still looking for someone with a truck or van who can move the sound system from the THCF Medical Clinic to the Cultural Center and take it back after the rally. Please contact me if you can help out with a truck or van.
    11. If someone would like to video tape the rally, please let me know. We can hook up your videocam directly to the sound system so there will be excellent sound for the speeches. Speeches will be presented from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    That’s it for now. There will be at least one more email about the rally with the latest updates on all that will be happening. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need additional information, please send an mail to lanny@marijuananews.org or call me at 760-799-2055.

    I look forward in joining with you to “Uphold the Law, Protect Our Freedom and End Reefer Madness.”
  2. DdC

    DdC Member

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    Marijuana groups converge on Victoria Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga
    By Neil Nisperos, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

    Victoria Gardens Cultural Center is home to a two day marijuana conference. On Monday, both medical marijuana advocates as well as those who oppose its use converged in Rancho Cucamonga.

    RANCHO CUCAMONGA >> People on both sides of the marijuana legalization issue presented their viewpoints at Victoria Gardens on Monday, both declaring themselves “mad as hell” about the other side’s efforts to either defeat or continue its prohibition.

    Paul Chabot, president and founder of the Coalition for a Drug Free America, held what was billed as the nation’s first National Marijuana Policy and Strategy conference, at the Victoria Garden Cultural Center.

    Chabot said the continuing legalization of marijuana throughout the United States posed a serious public safety and health issue for the country.

    “Our focus is keeping kids off of marijuana, and that it remains illegal in California,” Chabot said. “The voters rejected it before, and we want to get the message out and help educate the people about the dangers of marijuana.”

    More than three dozen experts from civic government, health care, academia, and law enforcement are serving as speakers and panelists at the two-day event, which ends today.

    “We have a number here from law enforcement,” Chabot said. “We have a lot of parents here, anti-drug coalition leaders from throughout the country, business leaders, members of the media, bishops and pastors. We want to work together with all aspects of the community to make the drug problem much smaller.”

    Meanwhile, outside in the Cultural Center courtyard, marijuana legalization advocates held a tented rally with speakers talking about the need to end prohibition of a substance they say has been more help than harm.

    Lanny Swerdlow, a local medical marijuana and legalization advocate, said the rally was partly to protest law enforcement agencies using taxpayer funds to pay the costs for employees to attend the event.

    “They’re here to stymie or torpedo the political process going on now to legalize marijuana, so we are paying police to come here and get involved in the political process,” Swerdlow said. “Cops are paid to enforce the law, not make the law, and that’s very scary. When police start making the law it’s called the police state, and that’s what this is.”

    Diane Goldstein, a retired Redondo police lieutenant, who led gang and narcotics units, was on hand to represent Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, or LEAP. The group calls for the end to prohibition on drugs and channeling the use of the money toward education and treatment.

    “This is no different than the alcohol prohibition experiment that the United States of America imposed,” Goldstein said. “Alcohol prohibition didn’t eliminate drinking alcohol. They just tried to control the flow of the alcohol in how it was delivered and what we saw is that alcohol prohibition was an abject and total failure. The war on drugs has been an abject and total failure from my law enforcement experience of almost 22 years.”

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