I've heard people in the U.S. convicted of DUI say that they want to move to Canada where they think the laws are less strict than the U.S.
Great reason to move to another country..anyone seriously considering this has got their priorities in order.
Drinking and driving is the most over-legislated, over-punished crime there is due to special interest groups like MADD.
Almost everyone who has gone out to a bar has drank and then likely drove afterward. There is a difference between having a few drinks and having a lot of drinks. People can get a DUI just for having a few drinks, without being impaired. Old people and reckless teenage punks are more of a danger to people on the road than someone who has had a few drinks but isn't drunk or wasted. DUI laws are ridiculous. Maybe they should just outlaw bars, since everyone who leaves a bar then gets in their car to drive home is likely to at least be a few points over the legal limit. The legal limit is ridiculously low, and it doesn't stop people from driving drunk. If you're drunk and you kill someone, then you deserve to suffer the maximum consequences. Sobriety checkpoints are bullshit, though.
the last few posts show the difference in political affiliation. a libertarian says let me do what i want as long as i dont hurt anyone. the conservative says legislate everything. and the liberal says put a cop outside every bar to make sure no drunks get in a car.
I thought you were smarter than to make dumb wide sweeping statements about what you think everyone does...I promise that the majority of people...the very vast majority of people not think anything like you how/s that for a wide sweeping statement....difference is mine is more accurate anyone driving past .08 in their blood is a fucking idiot
kind of right there rolling. the only reason i disagree is because there are times i had a 6 pack and didnt feel a buzz. and then there were times i drank a 6 pack and was stumbling. which makes the walking test and the touch your nose test a good barometer for if a person should be sentenced .
I'm not supporting drinking and driving. Getting drunk and driving makes you an asshole. I'm saying that the newest wave of DUI laws - moving the the limit to 0.5 instead of 0.8, and the huge increase in penalties are insane. If somebody drives through a school zone at 80km an hour they get a fine. If somebody drinks 3 beers and drives home slowly, they possibly get jail time, despite the speeding being the much more risky activity. I've never figured out why it is so disproportionately punished.
I have to disagree with you here, I have actually met very, very few people who would think twice about driving after 1 or 2 drinks and this is enough to put you over the legal limit. Driving drunk is a stupid, selfish thing to do but zero tolerance laws are too harsh and unfair.