Ok, I'm hammeredd again on tequila, sooo lets have thread for us morons who drink to the point of having nto close one eye to see straighty wothout ant editingh.. c ould be aq good thread or a complete flop 9as most iof the ones I start are. So post ypur drunken typed ramblings....couod be good for a few laufghs.; and the aove is as IU typed qwith no corrections...LIOL, what a maroon...
if you had started this thread two days ago, i could have added something of substance to it. i actually have been drinking almost all day today as well, but only at a pace to keep my hangover at bay, not to actually become drunk yet again. i rarely get on hipforums when i'm down to one eye. and i generally seem to be a proficient typist at any level of drunkenness, so you will rarely see any significant misspellings.
If you're drunk posting and you happen get your entire message across in flawless grammar, go back and mess some things up. It'll be more believable.
My drunk posting is an absolute train-wreck. Like, it's not even funny. Might as well just turn off my computer and call it a day.
Sippin on down sippin all around, tippin up another cup and sip it on down 12 gauge double barrel loaded full of buckshot, 7UP and Mountain Dew boiling in a crock pot
Bottle of wine Fruit of the vine When you gonna let me get sober? Leave me alone Let me go home Let me come back and start over!
two points, I was drunk, not uneducated. and sometimes it takes many, many minutes to type as I carefully select each letter... my good sentence above took about 8 minutes to type as opposed to about 30 seconds that this one took.
so drinking tequilaa again tonight. weird that Ui cvan drink iot till seeind=g double and wake feeling pretty good next morninr, maybe thats the problem. don't wanna smoke eed until the new job is 200% certian; two more weeks...tywo more weeks...two mortwweeksa. (that is jsut typing and postingwithout looking or correcting/_)9
I mean, how drunk are you when you post these things? I think I'm in the same boat as Undies, I don't make too many more spelling errors when I am drunk posting. However, I do sometimes make posts that, upon rereading, don't make much sense. But maybe I'm just not drunk enough.