Drug Users Are Scrum People? Deserve Prison? People Think This.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by legalizedrugs, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. legalizedrugs

    legalizedrugs Members

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    Drug users are the scrum of the earth some people think.

    My actual 71 year old otherwise good friend, thinks drug users are the scum of the earth and should be imprisoned.

    He get several large pethiedine injections every month, is on fentanyl patches, and takes Oxycodone.

    Not only that he takes Xanax for "anxiety" (daily) and various other meds. He will at times have some level of Alcohol. But those drug users... LOCK THEM UP!

    I find it amazing how hypocritical and naive some people are.

    Does anyone else have personal experience with people who have such apparently unreasonable views?

    I think its such extreme example of ignorance which still fuels the war on drugs. I don't know if my country will ever LEGALIZE Marijuana and I don't have the socioeconimic means to leave. It truly is one of my personal greatest dreams for Marijuana to be legalized, to be able to go to a "Marijuana cafe" or some such place and socialize with other recreational Marijuana users.

    I truly find peoples thinking about these issues fascinating, even if I disagree with many people.
  2. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    It seems your friend has prescription drugs as opposed to something bought illegally from a dealer?
  3. GhanjaGoblin

    GhanjaGoblin Members

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    Can't fault him, as a pro-drug person that's how the older generations were raised.

    If someone is 71, they were roughly 20 years old when the civil rights movement of the 60s happened. That person's parents were probably racist, and beat him or her with a switch. They were also taught that all drugs were lethal and deadly and caused you to become a worthless piece of dirt. We now know that civil rights are good, beating children will cause you to lose 10 million dollars (Adrian Peterson), and drugs are actually not the worst thing in the world.
  4. legalizedrugs

    legalizedrugs Members

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    Yes that's it. They get their hit from a GP. Someone else goes to a dealer, I don't think they appreciate that there is not that much difference (From my view, I guess).

    It is quite debatable whether my friends needs all these medications at all. And they ARE addicted.

    I don't advocate for ANYONE to do drugs BTW, just not to arrest and lock up non-violent citizens that do. If they are violent etc, fine lock them up.

    I'm all for harsh penalties for serious crimes, but not drug possession.

    I mean I am legal now. I used to do illicit opiates, but now I get the prescription legally from a doctor. Am I any more moral now?

    I should perhaps not start off such a controversial thread so early as a member :)

    Please don't personal attack, if anyone disagrees with my views that's cool, but I think many people here would agree? I have only just found this forum, so I am not entirely sure what the culture of thought here is :)

    My other forum I would be BANNED if I even RAISED the issue of legalizing Marijuana or express pro-marijuana views. I know this website is open to Marijuana though, it would seem lol

    I guess you could say my motto is "Education and debate, not incarceration for drugs" :) But I love to hear about ignorant people. I can't help it I am a bit addicted to hearing people with "opposite" mindsets.
  5. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    a lot of "scum" people belong to the group of people that use drugs. also, a lot of "scum" people are not drug users, so drug use shoudn't be the criteria to discriminate scum, from non-scum. fightning drugs is not fighting the root of scum, in fact, the scum of this world (gang bangers, lowlifes, violent criminals) would very much like to see that drugs remain illegal.

    gangs in colorado don't even bother selling weed in colorado since it's legal there, they can't compete ... there's no money in it (well, except for being a legal grower, but not a criminal). They still sell crack, heroin, etc ... im not sure i think they should be legal (crack and heroin) but if they were i do think there would be overall less harm. A heroin addict will use heroin regardless whether it's legal or not, but if it were legal at least you wouldn't have the violence on the streets around it. Prohibition of alcohol didn't do any good, just created a whole bunch of organized crime.
  6. safetypills

    safetypills Members

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    Its very hard to identify if people are using drugs or not with so much of online pharmacies. These pharmacies sold medicines without any prescription and some among them is used by drug addicts. Also those pharmacies for the sake of profits hardly bother about that.
  7. MichaelPan

    MichaelPan Members

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    Well to be honest - today almost every illegal drug has a "legal" version - a bit less powerful. Take cocaine for example. People who use Ritalin/Adderal/Provigil report a very same feeling.
  8. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    I've been prescribed all three. In my opinion they're not even close. I still take Provigil (but switched to the extended release version Nuvigil two years ago). The energy boost from those three meds isn't anywhere near as intense as coke.

    Wellbutrin was close. It takes a couple of weeks to normalize on Wellbutrin, but until you reach that point it's pretty intense. I wanted to stop after five days (imagine being coked out for five days straight) but my doctor told me to wait it out. Unfortunately I had seizures on Wellbutrin so switched to Provigil. It's for narcolepsy but also works as a great mood stabilizer.

    My experience anyways, YMMV.
  9. SnakeOilWilly

    SnakeOilWilly Members

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    I'm sorry but I just can't imagine being so doped up on pills for anything. Creativity out the window. Smoking weed just cures so many things I still don't get why people are against it. Any of these minor mental things (anxiety, etc) just sound like BS dreamed up by the pharmaceutical companies to me. Obviously if you have schizophrenia or something you should try going on some medications (weed won't cure schizophrenia, and it probably won't help it) but when I see tv or radio ads for BS like restless leg syndrome I just have to wonder why LSD and weed are shunned but shit like valium is perfectly fine. It's probably something to do with limiting creativity or what ever (a la nixon) but I'm not a conspiracy theorist so whatever.

    People who think drug users are scum (I think you meant scum right?) but are taking pills 'cause they're pill-pushing doctors said they should are just ignorant.
  10. SnakeOilWilly

    SnakeOilWilly Members

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    BTW I'm not a doctor so don't sue me if my thoughts get you in trouble some how.
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    This is a scrum.


    Often at times, people who don't use drugs are even stupider than the ones who do.
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  12. humanbeaing

    humanbeaing see you in paradise! HipForums Supporter

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    Scrum of the earth! It is nice to walk into a dispensery and get my meds. Usually 30 different kinds of sativa and indicas. So, if you have a medical recommendation, are you still scrum?
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    True some people think that way and having said it you have shared the same conception in doing so.
    The way we end this experience is to end our temptation to slander. The deadly serious reason is here
    at the bottom of the page
    Enjoy the new world
  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    the midevil feudalism of ignorance and superstition so called conservatives want to return us to, everyone who didn't believe and act as their feudal masters wished them to, were considered such. people believe this was right because this is what they were familiar with, and their institutions of belief taught them as well.

    many people do however, use the effects of mind altering substances as an excuse to be inconsiderate.
    just as they do with belief and ideology.

    what is filth and deserves punishment, is aggressiveness and the tyranny of its dominance.
  15. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I think people that deal drugs should be sentenced to death, just to name a few Merck, Pfizer, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly..
    2 people like this.
  16. *Yogi*

    *Yogi* Resident Racist

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    The only ones you have to keep an eye on are crack heads, Meth heads and people on H. They will do ANYTHING to get their next fix even if it means stealing from grandma or parents. These drug(s), I do associate with true scum.
    Yeah, There is moderation but few and far between on these three and its obvious in appearance and composure. But is a law going to stop them, No. Do they need to, Their choice until they start becoming a menace to society to obtain money for drugs.

    Marijuana, MMJ, Mexican dirt/brick weed etc is harmless IMO. Unless you intentionally smoke up a first timer with a strong strain of kind bud, You might have problems. Freaking out and what not, But not robbing to get more or going out in public causing problems. If you are, Then its laced bud and id think twice about smoking it again.

    I don't see where it hurts, harms etc in the least. It is good for many things and the tax $ on it has cleared up a lot of debt in legal states and help build a slush fund for the states. They will never see the $$ with it being illegal that they hoped it would net with a 'war on drug'. But they could reap the benefits off the tax of it being legal and focus on 'real crimes' or hard drugs if they have a problem.

    To each their own if they are too stupid to see that it can and will pay off you're states debts and open up a lot more money for other ideas etc. The writing is on the walls and the test states have already shown it is a viable source of revenue at no harm to them or john Q taxpayer.
  17. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Not at all true. Not in the slightest bit. What you have to be concerned with is your own composure period.
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  18. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    i leave it to you to execute your own sentence.
  19. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    some are the scum of the earth some aren't. Just because you believe you aren't doesn't mean it's true.
  20. *Yogi*

    *Yogi* Resident Racist

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    You are either a crack head or very naïve and have not been around a 'living on the streets crack head'. I set my 'composure' off of the environment and people around me. You have too much faith in crack heads.

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