I know there's a thread on this somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look for it right now. My friend has to take a drug test Tuesday, but wants to roll this weekend. How long does E stay in your system?
About two to three days... he'd probably be clean if he took it Friday... but I wouldn't risk it and just roll the next weekend.
Thanks..he opted not to. He's actually going into the military and wanted one last trip. I told him I'd be sure to let him know how good they were..
Im not sure or anything but my friend said that if they pull out one of your hairs it shows every drug you've done. Is this true??
hahaha doubt it, especially because your constantly getting new hair blah blah...sounds like a load of shit to me.
Nope this is true. They can pull out a hair and it will show every drug you've done since that hair started growing. Say you shave your head one day. Six months later if they pluck out a hair it will show all the drugs you've done in the last six months. However it won't show EVERY drug you've done unless you've never ever cut your hair It's a very expensive test to run though, and isn't done too often I don't think.