Drug Test (Quick-Fix)- Help!!

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by chadcr01, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    Hey guys,

    Long time no talk.

    I need some help here. I'm in a bit of a bind and am going to have to take a pre-employment drug test in a few days. This will be done in a laboratory setting, not some cheap little home drug test kit.

    I am not clean and do not have time to clean out, and would not even want to chance that anyways...

    I was planning on going to the headshop tomorrow and picking up a bottle of Quick Fix synthetic urine. It's made in a lab and designed to meet all the requirements of human piss under laboratory analysis; i.e. it has the right specific gravity, creatine, etc... Now I've always heard that Quick Fix was the only legit option (I know those detox drinks which are mostly just vitamins are bunk as fuck), however now that I'm going to have to use it in a few days, I've been doing a LOT of research online and I'm very nervous and uncomfortable because I have found reports of people failing when using quick fix. I would like to chalk it up to those people being dumbasses and not following the Quick-Fix directions properly or something like that (and I'm sure some people didn't follow directions right) but it seems to me like some of these people who failed a test did everything right, but the product just didn't work or fucked with the pH, creatine, specific gravity, or something else they are testing for causing those individuals to fail.

    I have zero experience with Quick Fix, nor does anybody I know personally. So my question is this; has anybody here used this product for a laboratory drug test (NOT a home test kit) and if so, what procedure/directions did you follow and did it work or no? If not, were you informed of why you failed (i.e. was drug metabolites present, or did the sample come back "adulterated")?

    I do have a plan B, which is having my friends little brother piss for me... however it will not be possible to time it so that he can piss for me right before I go in to take the test. So if I go this route, he would have to piss up to three days before I take the drug test, keep it in a tiny plastic squeeze bottle and put it in a freezer for a couple days to preserve the sample. Then I would take it out several hours before the test, dethaw it in front of a space heater, then tape hand warmers to the bottle and use a mini-thermometer to make sure the sample is the proper temperature when I go in to take the test.... if I do go this route, my question is this; Will the sample stay good for up to 72 hours (perhaps up to 5 days, I'm really not sure) if it goes straight in the freezer after the kid pisses? Or will they be able to tell the urine has been "stored" and it will fail? Now this person is like 7 or 8 years old, is there any way that the lab will be able to tell this piss sample came from somebody much younger than me? I know enough NOT to warm the piss up in a microwave; like I said my plan is to freeze it, take it out several hours before test, dethaw it in front of a space heater, then tape hand-warmers to it to get it proper temperature... however I might want to do a practice run before hand just to make sure I can get it up to proper temp and MAINTAIN it at that temperature for an hour or two so I have enough time to get in and do the test... so lets say I dethaw it and warm it up to proper temp in a test run just to make sure I can keep it between 90-100 degrees, then put the urine back in the freezer until the day of the test. Will this urine still be usable, or will it be fucked with because its been frozen, heated up to human temperature, then put back in the freezer, then heated up to human temp on the day I take the test?

    Any help you guys can offer would be GREATLY appreciated. This is a huge opportunity ($50,000/year job) and I CANNOT fuck this up. Any help is very much appreciated. On a tight time frame here- might have to take this test in 24-48 hours.

    Please any help is much appreciated, and as soon as possible would be great.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    I've passed numerous tests using the "bunk" detox drinks. I think Vale was the one I've used most often.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    if I recall you have a fit/athletic body frame with no fat..
  4. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    I've always heard that Quick fix was supposed to be the sure fire method to pass. I used it once myself several years ago. My brother recently had a pre employment screening which he tried to use Quick fix to pass on my recommendation. Apparently the person conducting the test at the lab smelled the urine sample(something I've never seen in over 100 lab drug tests), and determined there was something wrong with it. They told him his only option then was to pee again and be observed. I've never heard of this kind of thing, but he tells me that he's found others with the same complaint online.

    If I was you I would go with the clean sample from your friend. I can't answer your questions about the handling of the sample but I'm inclined to think that your method would work. I'm sure there's some information available about the proper way to store a urine sample.
  5. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    That hasn't been the case for quite some time. When I was regularly taking tests for probation I was about 210-220 @ 6"1. Average fit

    I smoked the same day and still passed lab testing drinking the shit. I would always get the XXXstrength for obese people though, just to be sure.
  6. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    I looked up that Vale detox and it appears to be nothing more than vitamins and herbs and whatnot...

    Also there is no mechanism explaining HOW it works, just that it "removes toxins" and doesn't specifically mention cannabis or THC being one of the substances it will "detox" you from, so that seems kinda fishy to me...

    Not saying it didn't work for you, but it seems unlikely that this would work for a large number of people simply because its only vitamins and makes no specific mention of actual illicit drugs (only "toxins") which has got me worried. But regardless thanks for the prompt reply.

    I would rather use Quick Fix if I could be 100% certain of its efficacy, simply because I worry if I use a friends clean piss and freeze it for a couple days and then warm it back up to close to 100 degrees on the day of the test, that it might fuck up the specific gravity, pH, creatine levels or any of the other "control" standards they test for to make sure its actual urine...

    So I honestly have no idea if the Quick Fix would be a better idea, or the actual human piss which has to be stored for several days and will fluctuate temperatures wildly (which again I worry might cause the lab to determine its been "adulterated" if the creatine, pH, gravity, etc is fucked with)...

    Can anybody shed some light on this?

    Edit: Also just to mention... abstaining from use to clean out my system is not an option for me. I am skinny with high metabolism, but even so I know there is ZERO chance I will be clean in time. I've been an everyday smoker for a decade non-stop, and the past 6-9 months I've been smoking hash and ultra-potent hash oil on a daily basis as well as flowers, so my levels are probably gonna be much higher than the average joe who smoked a joint on the weekend.
  7. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    I understand your skepticism. But the stuff works. It explains it on the website that it flushes out the urinary tract, removing all toxins. Your body continues to process toxins so you have about a 4-5 window to piss clean.

    They don't specify pot for the same reason that spice stuff is labeled as incense. The law. If the product is specifically and obviously marketed to help people break the law, it would be hard to stay in business.

    I was/am a daily smoker and actually pissed clean while under the influence using it.
  8. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    I was thinking the same thing about getting actual clean piss. My main hurdle there would be getting it up to temperature and maintaining that proper temperature.

    But it will be a slight difficulty to obtain clean piss possibly. Quick Fix is the preferred option, I just wish I could be certain of its legitimacy.
  9. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    As far as I know Quick fix is supposed to work every time. I had never heard of it failing before my brother, and I can't imagine it's a new criteria for the testing process to smell the sample. Before that happened I would have suggested Quick fix any day, but now I find it a bit difficult.
  10. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    Thats exactly what I thought

    Just makes me wonder why there are so many reports of it not working online... are they all simply people who didnt follow the directions?
  11. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    I agree.

    I don't mean to offend you or anything, but your brother is absolutely trust worthy right? I can't think of any reason why he would say they smelled the piss if they actually never did, but I figured I'd ask just to be certain.... Because I agree with you- that seems ridiculous, not to mention highly unscientific and highly unprofessional. I can't imagine they smell the samples, because even if that was policy its extremely inaccurate... does the lab technician who is performing the "sniff test" have a standardized and calibrated nose? In other words, who's to say the person sniffing it would even have a reliable/accurate sense of smell? How do they know they are not simply catching a whiff of their own breath along with the urine? Or how do they know they are not smelling something else in the laboratory environment along with the urine? And so on and so forth....

    You did say you've never heard of this in 100+ lab drug tests... how many have you taken? Have you observed others who definitely used it and can be counted as honest and trustworthy? Did people specifically use the Quick Fix product on all those tests? Because if you've seen/heard of that many people passing with this specific product, and none of those people had the lab technician smell the urine, I would say the odds are very much in my favor...

    Thanks for the response brother
  12. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    What I meant by that is that I've had to take over 100 urine tests myself, in various labs, and I never saw anyone smell a urine sample. I don't personally know many people who've used QF other than myself once a few years ago and my brother. I have no reason to believe that my brother wouldn't be telling the truth about that, but I suppose I can't say for certain. I wish I could be of more help but I'm pretty confused on the issue myself. I believe you can purchase real human urine that's dehydrated which you just mix with water and that should be a fool proof pass.
  13. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    Alright, thanks man.

    Think I'm gonna go with the quick fix. 98% of people online are saying they passed with flying colors, and so far I've only been able to find a few reports of people who failed or the test came back "inconclusive," in which case they wanted a re-test and on the re-test they watched the person piss.

    I picked it up at the headshop yesterday, and my friend was working there so I was asking her about it and she said that they had an employee at the headshop who was on probation for 3 years and had to take drug tests regularly, however he had a female probation officer so she wouldn't watch him piss... She told me he used Quick Fix on every single test for 3 years and never failed. Also said she's never had a complaint from anybody who purchased it and nobody has come back claiming it didn't work in the entire time shes been working there. She also said its a very popular seller and goes quickly.

    Quick Fix is formulated to have the right pH, specific gravity, creatinine, and all the other stuff they check for to make sure its actually human urine as opposed to water with some yellow food coloring or something... it even comes with a slip in the box that has a product batch number on it, and a 1-800 number that you can call to talk to a person and confirm that this is indeed the latest formulation which meets all laboratory testing requirements. I guess labs change their testing standards from time to time in an attempt to thwart people trying to use synthetic urine, but Spectrum Labs (the company who makes Quick Fix) stays on top of this and if they get a report from a customer that they failed a test using Quick Fix, they immediately recall all the products on the market with that batch number and then re-formulate the product to stay ahead of testing regulations... This is what the 1-800 number is for, to verify that this is the latest formulation and totally undetectable. I called and mine is all good :)

    I did tell the lady on the hotline that I had read reports online of people failing using Quick Fix (even though I have no way to prove their legitimacy), and she assured me its fool-proof as long as you keep it at the proper temperature when you give the sample and verify that you have the latest formulation of the product. She said that some of the reports online might have come from people who used the standard Quick-Fix formulation in states such as OR, CA, HI, WV, OH and WV... she told me that only SOME labs in those states have begun testing for uric acid in the urine, which the standard American formulation of Quick-Fix does NOT have in it. She told me that its clearly recommended on the website that if somebody is purchasing Quick Fix and is a resident of one of those states listed above, they should purchase the Canadian formulation of Quick Fix which DOES have the uric acid in the formulation, as apparently most labs in Canada check for uric acid as well now.

    So this made me feel MUCH better... The handful of reports online from people who say they failed using Quick Fix are most likely residents of those states who happened to get a test done at a certain lab which happened to test for uric acid (again only SOME labs in those states are testing for uric acid) along with all the other requirements. In other words; those people didn't do their homework and research online before buying it and using it for their test... of course there's no way I can confirm that all the people online saying they failed happen to reside in one of those states, but it seems likely that this is the source of the handful of contradictory "I failed" reports...

    The overwhelming majority of reports online are from satisfied customers who swear by it, some who get tested weekly or bi-weekly and never had a problem. And there are a shitload of reports online from people like me who had zero personal experience with this stuff and were shitting bricks and losing sleep wondering if they would fail using this stuff and blow the biggest job opportunity of their lives... then they report back a few days later, literally laughing at the fact that they were so worried and stressed out and in reality it was extremely easy and worked like a charm.

    So I think I should be totally good. I thoroughly questioned the woman on the hotline, and she was very knowledgeable and verified my batch was legitimate, and also answered several questions of mine such as various state testing standards, how the product is formulated, the various aspects of human urine labs are checking for to make sure its not fake/diluted, etc etc. I also asked her if she ever heard of uric acid tests being done in NY and she said no, thus far they have gotten no reports of lab companies in NY testing for uric acid.

    However I'm still not 100% confident. The more I look online, the more I find a few reports which cause me to worry... There is a report here:


    Where a guy used QF and failed, and provided comprehensive proof that he failed the drug screen... or at least it came back "inconclusive" at which point he had to return immediately for a supervised test which they watched him for, and he failed. However, this was over a year ago so I'm thinking maybe the QF he had was a recalled batch? However it was formula 5.7, but according to the woman on the Quick Fix hotline, the batch number is the most critical part, NOT the formula number... How these differ I'm not exactly sure, but she did assure me that the batch number I have which is P1VV-13 is still current and meets NY testing standards.

    I did call the headshop two days ago and ask if they had Quick Fix in stock (because I know they carry it), and she told me they were out of stock but to check back the following day (yesterday) because they had an inventory shipment coming in and were expecting to get more Quick Fix with that shipment. I did check back yesterday and fortunately it did come in with the truck yesterday, and they order directly from Spectrum Labs (the company which produces this product) so I'm thinking that since this stuff was just shipped from Spectrum Labs to my local headshop a couple days ago, it must be their most recent version. Like I said I also called to verify it was still a valid batch and formula, but it did make me feel slightly better knowing this probably left the Spectrum Labs warehouse only a few days ago.

    Sorry to carry on with such a long post. Does anybody else have any firsthand experience with Quick Fix? How about anecdotal evidence (i.e. a friend who passed/failed using it)? If so, what state do you live in (or which state did you live in at the time of the drug test) and how long ago was this? Do you know what formula & batch number of Quick Fix you used?

    I would go with human urine, but its proving to be a pain to obtain... I could MAYBE score some, but it most likely wouldn't be possible to get it the same day of the test, and I'm worried if I freeze it or refrigerate it for storage it and then reheat on day of test it will fuck up the creatinine level, specific gravity, pH, etc... and on the flip side of that I'm worried if I score clean human piss a couple days prior to the test and DON'T freeze or refrigerate it, that too might fuck up the gravity, creatinine, pH, etc... I don't know how sensitive those things are and how much they might degrade with highly fluctuating temperature and storage for a period longer than a few hours. Can anybody shed some light on this?

    Thanks again for the input guys. Sorry to carry on about this, and I know nobody gives a fuck about my drug test, but this is a major opportunity for me and its more than $50,000/year (just over $25/hr) job so I'm REALLY stressin this one.

    Thanks my friends
  14. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    I think you're making the right choice with QF. I've always sworn by it because that's what the people I learned what I know from swear by. Sorry to offer so much apprehension. It certainly seems that my brother's case was an outlier. I wish you luck.
  15. Marifana

    Marifana Member

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    Can you ask for a blood sample instead of urine sample? I know some people get away with it by blood sample due to that it is not in the blood so long time as it is in the urine.
  16. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    Nah, I can't request a blood sample.

    I think that would look sketchy... best to just conform to whatever testing procedure/requirements they follow and not try to dictate how the process will go or what procedure will be followed.

    Also I'm a daily smoker with a huge tolerance (smoke hash and oil daily) and there's no way I'd pass a blood test.

    I just got a letter from the company. They set up a doctors appointment for me and sent me a form to give the doctor to fill out after my physical examination... One section of this form is titled "Urinalysis" and it has the following boxes for the doctor to fill in: "Specific Gravity," "Sugar," "Albumin," and "Micro"... it does not say ANYTHING about a drug test or tox screen, so I'm assuming this will NOT be part of the physical examination at the doctors office right? Because I have to go to that doctors appointment in the morning, and then a few hours later I have to do to an employee drug testing facility (unaffiliated with the doctors office) to submit a urine sample there. I can't imagine they would want TWO urine samples to test for drugs within a few hours of each other, right? Seems impractical and not cost-efficient to send me for two urine drug tests within a few hours of each other. And like I said I already have the form that the doctor must fill out for my physical exam, and it says nothing about "tox screen" or "drug test results", only the UA levels that I mentioned above. So I'm thinking that the UA at the doctors office is just to make sure I'm healthy, no kidney problems, liver disease, renal disease, etc.

    I did not know until yesterday that I would have to give a urine sample at the doctors AS WELL AS another urine sample at the drug testing facility... I thought about using Quick-Fix for both of these urine tests, but I worry that Quick Fix is not formulated to fool a UA (only a drug/tox screen) and might be missing an essential component of human urine like albumin or sugar or something. Since I'm pretty confident they wont drug test me at the doctors (only at the drug testing facility), I'm thinking I'm just going to submit my own natural urine to the doctor and use the Quick Fix later that afternoon when I have to go to the employee drug test place... What do you guys think?

    I think in reality everything will be fine, but this is by far the biggest job opportunity of my life and probably one of the best I'll ever have, so I'm REALLY nervous here... shittin bricks and losing sleep over this whole thing. Really sucks!
  17. eatlysergicacid

    eatlysergicacid Creep in a T-Shirt

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    I think you're right that the doctor's office would not be checking for drugs.
  18. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Im just going to put this here.. :p

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu3_1N6t6vw"]NORML's Legalize Marijuana Commercial - YouTube
  19. chadcr01

    chadcr01 Senior Member

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    ^ Seriously.

    I mean, what is being accomplished with drug screening?

    You can detox from the most dangerous drugs known to society in 48-72 hrs, but if you happen to be an occasional cannabis user (say, on nights & weekends, or even daily) you are likely fucked for up to a month, quite possibly even significantly longer for heavy users.

    Such bullshit.

    I forgot to mention I was going to use my friends little brothers piss, however hes only like 8 or 9 and from what I understand the creatinine levels (which they will be checking in a lab drug screen) will be lower in children than in healthy adults, and I'm worried if the creatinine level is too low, they will flag this as "adulterated" and either fail me or make me re-test and give me the ol' pat-down and looky-look while I'm giving the sample. If this happens I am TOTALLY fucked, so that's the main reason I am leaning toward using Quick-Fix. And believe it or not, I can't seem to find one drug-free adult who is willing to piss for me! Pretty much every person I know smokes or uses some kind of substance on the reg. I've had one guy tell me he'd piss for me, but I don't entirely believe that he's been clean from cannabis for as long as he says he has, and I got the vibe that he was just trying to make a buck and cash in on my offer (I offered him $40 for clean piss)... And again, NO WAY I'm taking a chance on something like that.

    As far as the doctors office doing a UA, I'm pretty confident they will ONLY do a standard UA at the doctors office to make sure I am healthy and have proper organ function and whatnot... I highly doubt the company is going to pay for two separate urine drug tests, both on the same day. I was thinking about using Quick Fix both for the doctors office UA and for the drug screen at a different facility, however I called the QF phone number and talked to a woman who said that Quick Fix does NOT contain sugar... And I have a physical evaluation form which I am suppose to give the doctor and have him fill out, and one of the things my employer wants documented on that form is "sugar"... It says nothing about drug test/tox screen which makes me think the doctors office UA is strictly to determine whether or not I'm a healthy adult. So my plan is to give the doctors office my real piss, then drive to the drug testing facility and use the Quick Fix.

    I am literally losing sleep about this... so nervous I'm almost sick to my stomach! This is a big opportunity and I cannot afford to blow it.

    Praying Quick-Fix is legit. Please folks, send some good energy my way! Maybe together we can make this happen!
  20. sunshine186

    sunshine186 midnight toker

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    two things..

    One- how the fuck do you have time to type all this bullshit?

    two- be wary of your creatinine levels.

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