i prefer lingerie and a nice pair of strappy heels. I like how my ass feels on the seat in a fresh pair of pantyhose.. just saying.
Newer Members Of HF May Think This Post Is A Joke, But Us More Season'd Members Know Orison Speaketh With Much Truth.... :gorgeous: Cheers Glen.
I do this a lot even if I am only going on a short journey . In summer its really easy as most of the time I only wear cut offs which are really short and carry a T shirt for going in shops . I leave home nude put my shorts on before getting out the car . On the way home get in the car take off my shorts off and drive home nude .
I do this a lot ! I deliever curcuit packs all over SC and alot of my driving is early morning while it is still dark. I like to wear a 1 piece jean dress that buttons down the frount. It's easy, like me ! to get open !Ha!
I love to drive naked. I usually do it on long trips. It helps keep me awakeand more alert to my surroundings. My longest is traveling back and forth from Florida to Pennsylvania twice a year. I keep a pair of short shorts near by to throw on if I stop for any reason.
I wanted to go driving one night naked with a friend but he was afraid we might get stopped by police and be naked so we didnt........
I too enjoy driving as well as riding naked in a car. I've driven naked to Utah and back using a wrap-around when I had to get gas and tank top and shorts for eating in a restaurant and checking into a motel.
Drove home naked from my naturist club last Saturday after party night. It was 2.30 a.m by then and still hot, so it seemed ridiculous to put anything on. Am going again tonight, it's still very hot here (not that I'm complaining) so I might just rock up naked and stay that way.
Mind how you go doing that. I tried it once but realized I was totally distracted from the road. Far too risky.
Haven't tried to yet and haven't really had the urge. I live in a congested city so I try not to drive because our traffic sucks and use transit or uber. Afraid my uber rating would go down if I got in the drivers car naked.