Dreams of Murder and Hiding Corpses

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by EmilyRugburn, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. EmilyRugburn

    EmilyRugburn Guest

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    I have been having dreams about dead people lately. In my dreams, I'm never the killer, but it's always someone else in my dream who either killed the person and buried or hid the body themselves. And the dead person is always a different person every time, and always someone I invented in my dream. In all of the dreams, I'm present, but have no control of the situation, and feel scared of getting caught, feeling guilty as if I were the killer, or accomplice, even though I had no control. I always try to get away at the end of the dream, not out of feeling scared that I will be killed, but just trying to get out of the situation, and I almost always steal the car of the killer and will be driving aimlessly in the dark. The dream always ends with me driving aimlessly, never with any resolve, and always alone.

    I can clearly remember 2 of them.

    In the first one, I was with my sister and her boyfriend (who I invented, not a real person). I guess it was her boyfriend who killed the person. I was never sure. But I remember that the boyfriend hung the corpse on a hook outside, in plain view, and I remember pleading with him to hide the body before someone sees it. I also remember pleading with my sister to leave with me and she wouldn't leave with me. I then stole the boyfriend's truck. It was an old truck, like maybe a 40's model ford truck. I just remember stealing the truck and driving really fast down a straight, wide road. I never found any help before I woke from the dream.

    In the next one, I was with my husband. We were way out in the country and in a small shack type of house with nobody else anywhere near us. I do not remember how the dead body got there, whether my husband killed him or someone else did, I just remember that I was not the killer. I remember arguing with my husband about what to do. He buried the body under the house (I'm still confused about that because I can see myself under the house as if there were a basement, but it was all muddy, not walled in like a basement). I eventually started to smell the corpse rotting and told my husband he needed to move the body because I could smell it and soon I feared people will start to smell it. I was scared of getting caught, even though I knew I had not done the murder and that I did not have control over the situation. The next thing I know, I steal my husband's car (not his real car, but one I invented in my dream) and I'm driving down this long, winding road in the dark, and it's raining (which for me is scary because I'm scared to drive in the rain). I did not go looking for help this time, I just remember trying not to be caught. It seemed like the road was never ending and I woke before I had a chance to solve anything. I only woke for a few minutes, and after I went back to bed, I kept having dreams of ideas of how to hide a dead body.

    Just fyi, for the readers, I am not a killer, nor wish to ever kill anyone. And like I said, even in the dreams, I'm not the killer, just a witness or close friend of the killer, and have no control.

    The dead person seems to have no character to me, as if it were always just a dead body and never a living person. I have no feelings toward the dead person in any of the dreams. Not hate, sadness, or anything. It's just the fear of getting caught committing a crime I had nothing to do with and had no control over.

    To me, it could mean that in real life, I'm feeling helpless to control the things around me, and feeling guilty of deeds I have not committed.

    I would like to know what other people think of my dreams, and what they might mean.
  2. Moving_cloud

    Moving_cloud Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hi EmilyRugburn

    there are many ways to look on dreams, so whichever you feel right with may be a good one to work with. Other than that, you are your own best can opener. Just know the answer is right in the dream and sometimes it's the questions that need to be put differently.

    As everything is connected (just not always in our awareness), I believe we're able to pick up another's energy as well and spin and weave their dreams into ours ... I believe this happens all the time.

    So it could mean you're tappping into kinda energy pocket, the memory of a situation that has been stored in the universal field, reflecting a pattern that serves you to work out and bring into the light of awareness your own path; and so you take on the guilt yet realize it's not yours. Which may be a good start to go deeper into finding what is really yours, and what not. It may change as you grow and open more to the inner self who does not hide, nor get lost. Guilt is a blind corner, the other side may be forgiveness for yourself.

    Imagine both the killer and the killed are healing in spirit, both forgiving and forgiven. Imagine it's not really yours but what you share and give is simple awareness that doesn't judge. And just observe how life responds in your waking time.

    Ok just thoughts from this corner of the universe. Thank you for sharing !
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    these people you kill are annoying you in daily life.. In reality you know you cant kill them,, So the dream builds a defense mechanism making you feel awful about killing them..

    probably how you feel about the people in your life, they have no character.

    hiding them away, probably means you want to hide away..
  4. EmilyRugburn

    EmilyRugburn Guest

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    Moving_cloud -

    That was an amazing answer and means a lot. I think you may be on to something.

    orison319 -
    I was not the killer in the dreams though. I was just there. I do not remember having anything to do with the murders. It's like the dead person was dead already by the time I saw them, and I was never really sure who killed them, I only suspected the people I thought did it, if that makes sense.

    But you may be right. Maybe I build a defense mechanism in my dream, like you said. That's interesting.

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