I often dream that ny boyfriend has cheated on me, this causes issues in our relationship. I've always loved the idea that dreams symbolise something. Does anyone know what a boyfriend cheating on you symbolizes?
I suppose it rests on any insecurity you may have carried over from the past.Is it something you could raise with your significant other and maybe cleanse from your system? Personally I have never cheated on any woman I've been with and don't think I could.
If you consistently have dreams of this magnitude, perhaps it's not the fact that he's cheating that should concern you. It could be a subconscious fear that he will cheat, or perhaps someone in your life before him has betrayed your trust and you actually fear you'll never trust him. Dreams that seem "cut and dry" often have more powerful underlying meanings.
it symbolizes your insecurity and inability to trust.....fucking junkies who are natural liars don't help
I don't want to fuck with your head and be provocative,but could it be possible that you have a subconscious desire to be cheated on,thus confirming your inferior status within the patriarchal hegemony,even if this is reacting against your better nature. But no I say.Complete rubbish.Are you and this guy in love or what.
her bf just started speed....all junkies are liars....cant be a junkie without lying straight to your own face first...then family,friends,girlfriends,doctors and the world
I think this girl needs sympathy and a nice cup of tea rather than be harried into a corner she possibly can't back out of,at least here.
I agree iron john.....i'd say coffee though you know me brother...i'm all about the blunt force advice with a helping hand available if needed
Strange.I also have a thing about Sandra Bullock,I'm not kidding,but less hell-bent on the Hopper thing.
like most dreams, it symbolizes your brain creating electrical impulses that are interpreted in various ways while you sleep.
no not strange....she was just voted sexiest woman alive for a reason.....we all have a thing for Sandra bullock is ityour job to make this site as boring as possible? haha
I don't have a thing for Sandra. Our dreams often represent subconscious desires. Desires that may confuse us or frustrate us during waking hours. I think you don't really see yourself and your boyfriend as a lasting relationship. The two of you will break up.
"cheating" is an ambiguous term, for whatever it is meant to imply. if it means sexual involvement, with persons not approved by supposedly committed partners, why not say so? if some other actual meaning is intended, whatever that may be, why not say so specifically as well. to me, the word cheating, means i'll gotten gain by deception. nothing directly nor inherently related, to personal social relationships. cheating is what you do, when you copy someone else's answers on a test, or gain wealth by committing fraud.
If I was that boyfriend I'd be walking. Under no circumstances am I dealing with shit I don't even have anything to do with, especially some garbage you think of in a dream. See to me, your bf isn't the problem. You're the problem, obviously hung up on something. No trust. Insecurities. I think you've yourself to blame. I don't see how it's fair to cause drama on your bf for anything.