Dreams about death (3 in a row last night)

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by Penny, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    This is scaring me a little bit because I had 3 dreams about death last night..

    - In the first one, I was dying, really slowly, from drug overdose (sleeping pills).

    - in the second one, someone who I love, I can't remember if it was my dad or my grandfather or my boyfriend was dying... for some odd reason I can't remember that one very well

    - in the last one, my cat was dying in intense suffering, on my lap... very shocking...

    Anybody could interpret this?? I'm honestly worried...
  2. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    dreams about death usely mean something is going to change,but doesnt mean you or anyone else will die
  3. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    I know.. but I just think it's really weird that I had 3 different dreams last night all about someone dying, including me..
  4. Moving_cloud

    Moving_cloud Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    it is about some changes that you are preparing for and seek to find trust into with the help of the dreams while opening to a different angle to look from, where the cat and the friend just helped you by their being here.

    Just do not fear to be scared and trust into the life forces that help you change in order to grow and become whole inside yourself, and relax. Walk in the light of your own courage and desire to become who you are, and let go the attachments that distract you from being you.

    Death alone does not scare as it is natural, but the lack of faith into life and death might very well do so.

    Imagine you are your own creator, and your own deepest source of healing and all your life circumstances are just about that and even death is but healing.

    Now this is but a suggestion but I hope it makes sense.

    Wishing you well

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