I think I remember doing this a few times over, but it has been a while since I remembered my dreams. I see in color, paint with colors, and draw with colors, but I don't know if I still dream in color unless life is but a dream. I've heard that before ya know? That "life is but a dream". Zippitty do da zippitty A … and something about a blue bird. I think it could be ya know? A wonderkind of life.
People who grew up with black and white TV often dream that way. I've always had color TV and I don't think I've ever had a black and white dream.
I Have Always Dream't In Colour.......Can't Remember One Ever Being In Black And White...... Cheers Glen.
I dreamed in Simpsons animation before. Can't remember what about except that Marge was really pisses off about something.
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Always dreamt in colour and why would you dream in black and white when we see and remember thing in colour ?
i've always thought that what dreams are like to be in them, being any different from what its like to be awake in real life, to be something that the movie industry made up, as way to depict on the screen the idea that what they were showing was what someone was dreaming. i still find it hard to believe that anyone's dreams aren't totally real experientially. i mean totally photo-realistic, and completely emersive, with the only detectable difference being that some things work differently then they do in the universe we're awake in. i've never experienced this 'black and white', or out of focus vagueness, or not being able to read books or computer screens or the time on clocks or any of that. (mirrors i can't say, because i don't ever recall looking for or seeing any)
How about parallel lives in parallel universes, evil twins or clones or maybe drones. or maybe hypnosis? Maybe we're just part of a greater machine that tells us what to dream in other plaines of existence? I've heard that people don't dream in color. but I always have. Does that mean I'm living the dream? I had a decent one the other night... I think? I re,member but then I don't. It was pretty cool though.
the only thing i believe is evil is when people choose to be harmful, but there is that. oddly enough that's something i don't often run into in dreams. of course my dreams don't always have people in them at all. parallel selves trading places, wouldn't surprise me it happens.
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Ever been able to feel texture in your dreams. I dreamed last night I was touching these relief pictures.
Yes.......Now That You Mention It I Have......The Best Example I Can Think Of At Short Notice Is Being Barefoot On Different Surfaces..... Cheers Glen.
The way i feel it is, Life is indeed a dreamlike phenomenon made of dreamstuff. It's not a dream, It's a real dream. Reality is your perception, However you choose to dream it becomes real to you. That was the plot of the movie Inception. Think of it in terms of.. Ocean and waves, yeah its the best analogy because it cannot really be put to words literally. Ocean waves itself into infinite forms, Rises above and becomes aware of itself infinitely, One form then it changes into another then into another then into another, universe is being aware of itself by waving itself into forms growing senses for itself making it more and more evolved, to feel more and more of itself. the more evolved these interfaces gets the more clearly it can sense itself, perceive itself and interface with itself. Even tho you basically feel yourself as human, you are not really human , you are the universe itself channeling through a form society labels as a human. you cannot exist without the universe because you are one with it, You are it and it is you. The whole Universe is within you. Okay i mean, the whole reality is within you, it doesn't really matter what you call it. you can call sky blue red white or black it doesn't mean anything, sky will always be sky whatever you choose to label it. you get the idea. Everything that exists is energy, light to put it simply, everything is made of light. and light is both particle and a wave of infinite potential at the same time. you can think of it in terms of ocean and waves. No-thing and Every-thing at the same time. Alpha and Omega at the same time, Yin and yang at the same time, Shiva and Shakti at the same time, Anima and animus , Zero and infinity at the same time. it is a pure potential, pure consciousness , empty space, Vaccum, and Everything in existence thats made of particles of subatomic energy at the same time. It's not really two things, this is happening within every single atom of existence. Its a scientifically proven fact by particle/quantum physics. So wise people call it a 'dream' because, It changes so much so fast, energy flows so fast from one form to another then into another form then it changes again into another form, its an illusion that we feel like we feel things are really there as we see it to be, which isn't true. Its just a limitation of our perception that makes us feel that way. Right now the chair i'm sitting is not solid. the walls of my house ain't solid, I'm not solid, if you go deep into an atom you will see that nothing is solid even tho it appears to be solid, it can take any form.. you dream it up. its a collective dreamspace. Collective matrix, A dreaming vortex. And we shape it, dream it anyway we want. So basically we don't know how to dream it, We are just starting to evolve, you are not even aware of less than 1% Of your mind, you are only conscious of less than 1% that part which you are conscious of you call the 'conscious mind' and that part which you are not conscious of you call it the 'unconscious mind' which is like 99%, its a scientific fact. So you are not in control of this 'dream' because you are not even 1% in control of your mind. It's happening unconsciously, you are dreaming this up unconsciously. we are dreaming it up unconsciously. if you haven't figured it out yet, i'm you and you are me Even tho all these waves appear to be different on the surface if a wave can go deep within itself and see it will feel that we are all connected as one, we are all the same ocean. so basically, you are dreaming this reality up. And right now you are kinda... Trapped in it in a sense you don't have much control over it. The more you evolve you will get more and more control over this process. The more you explore your mind, The more you become aware of yourself. The more you become aware of the universe that you are. Whatever you can feel is happening within your mind. Only that way you can feel it. Right now, you are not in the 'present moment' you are in memory+imagination mode of perception. you have like tons and tons and tons of memories you are stuck with and you imagine it constantly and past and future, the time you feel is just memories, just imagination of it. so when you go deep enough into meditation you realize time doesn't exist, time doesn't pass. You start feeling things beyond this illusion of time, then you also realize that, death doesn't exist without time how can death be? nothing is born and nothing dies, its just an illusion of form. it changes and changes nd changes from one form to another, its dream like, one dream then another dream then another dream then another dream, right now you don't have much of a choice, But you can evolve more so that you get a choice and you can dream whatever dream you want, And reality is your perception, whatever you dream becomes real to you. just like when you go to sleep you dream and to touch things smell things taste things see things feel things hear things its all real to you, you even talk to people interact with people, they are all real, with their own individuality , its just like that. imagine a tree of life, you think you are a leaf now, wrong. You are the whole tree you are connected with everything , it exists within your mind. If you go deep enough you get into this 'collective unconscious' layer of the mind Carl Jung talked about. some like to call it the 'astral dimension' or 'spirit plane' Just like when you go deep enough into solid objects you reach a place where its not solid, its energy, when you go deep into yourself you reach that same place where everything is in form of energy.. Thats what they call the spirit world, its nothing supernatural or religious, everything in nature, is natural. Everything in existence is existence itself. its just most people are so consumed by thousands and thousands of distractions they don't have time to be aware of these things. So they are not aware of these things. All infinite realities exists Within you. Its All you. If you want i can link scientific stuffs to this thread. Quantum mechanics stuffs and all you can watch the experiments that arrived at this conclusion. A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. -Albert Einstein
And the blue thingy, When i meditate i see this blue layer of reality, its Energy layer, Its electric. Vincent van Gogh. The Starry Night.
View attachment 224371 Electro Photonic Scans ( Kirlian ) that shows the Bio-electro-magnetic-energy field of stuffs
I always thought dreams were in color right? Or the colors that we know, at least I imagine colorblind people would dream with different palettes.
i've never had a dream that wasn't totally real. not just colors but every aspect of physical reality. only some things worked different then in the universe we're awake in, but everything worked. mirrors, display monitors, words in books, everything. and i grew up when tv was black and white too. but dreams have always been in color. different geography, different cultural values, but rocks were rocks, trees were trees, architecture and land use were really odd, and little furry creatures were other species, but everything solid, real, fully functional.