
Discussion in 'Hippies' started by TreePhiend, May 8, 2004.

  1. MySwt1

    MySwt1 Member

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    i'm sorry had to say something...i hate seeing people wanting dreads because its "cool" or as a fashion statement...dreads are a lifetime commitment(unless you shave your head) just like a tattoo...its fine if you want them...but do it for the right reason...not just because its the "in" thing to do, or it'll make you look more like a "hippie"

  2. lace_and_feet

    lace_and_feet Super Member

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    Why on earth would you be sorry for stating your opinion?

    And how do you define the "right" reason for getting dreads?
  3. maryfairy

    maryfairy flower

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    dreads are SO hot on guys. my best friend has them.. i had a nightmare that he cut them off and it made me cry.

    i don't think its a lifetime commitment. i mean you can take them out if you don't have them for too long and you know how to do it right (chunks of hair missing isn't exactly right..). plus can't you just grow your hair a little and cut the dreaded part off? so it wouldn't be that bad.
  4. BobbinBecca

    BobbinBecca Member

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    I have one dread I use it to tie the rest of my hair back sometimes.

    My sister gave me a hair wrap 10 years ago and this one dread grew out of it.

    I love it, and I hope that's not weird. If you want dreads, I suggest growing them slowly and not having someone else put them in over night. You do need to take care of them and I could rant on about that for a long time but I won't except to say I hate turd dreads!
  5. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    im gettin em this summer
  6. TreePhiend

    TreePhiend Member

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    equating dreads to a tattoo is crazy. Shaving your head really isn't that bad. Especially if you are a guy, and there are painful ways to remove dreads using lots of conditioner. Tattoos cannot be cheaply or easily reomved like dreads. I don't see the connection.
  7. DeadheadHippieForPea

    DeadheadHippieForPea Member

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    i say if ya want dreads, get em:)..its all good..i want them because i love the natural beauty and also i dont feel the need to want to conform to societys standards of beauty and how your hair should look..i started dreads for a week and they werent done right..i decided that im going to redo them next week..peace and love
  8. mikeyjwest

    mikeyjwest Member

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    I was reading this conversation from some rasta people and they were talking about how dreads are for rastas and they were angry that other people were doing it. I dont understand what the deal is wiht that at all.
  9. FreeSpiritedMelody

    FreeSpiritedMelody changes poopy diapers

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    I really want dreds but I have really pretty long hair and am scared of ruining it and maybe regretting the dreds if i do them, but i really want them. does this make sense? i probably sound retarded
  10. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    i dont think a true rasta wold be concerned with such a petty thing. ​
    back in the day when people didnt have hair care products like we have now a lot of people had nasty dreads. i am sure when the cavemen were around they worried more about hunting for food than taking care of their hair.​
  11. A Clockwork Orange*

    A Clockwork Orange* Member

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    dreads.. mmmmmmm
  12. lace_and_feet

    lace_and_feet Super Member

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    GOOD point.
  13. GOB1029

    GOB1029 Member

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    there's a substitute teacher at my school that used to have dreads, they came down to her hips. she used one to tie them all together. however, she recently cut them off, and it freakin broke my heart! heh. newayz, i'm thinking of getting dreads, but i've got a semi-fro-curly type thing right now, what do you think?
  14. FreakyJoeMan

    FreakyJoeMan 100% Batshit Insane

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    Heh heh. Everyone prolly had wicked acne too.
  15. kentuckyfunk

    kentuckyfunk Member

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    I put my dreads in about a month ago. At first, I thought I made a big mistake. I had been growing my hair for about a year and a half. I got tired of combing my hair one day, so I decided to be knatty. Now, I love my dreads. They still look like shit a month into it, but I learned the value of patients. Just thought I would put my two cents in.
  16. JamminOTR

    JamminOTR Member

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    I gotta put my 2 cents in too. I really feel what Myswt1 said earlier in this about dreads being a real comitment. It is like a tattoo in that you have to make the conscious choice to dedicate yourself to an idea/philosophy that will follow you for as long as you are commited, and that's a really strong commitment. I feel like dreadlocks should be a spiritual thing, unique and special to the individual, not done because they are sexy(which they are) or cool or a fashion statement, they should be done to signify the roots that intertwine and grow. I have had my dreads for close to three years now and they are very very special to me. I had each dread made by my best friends, each one totally unique and reflective of that persons vibe, its really cool and really special for me. So if you are thinking about putting dreads in, I urge you to consider the reasons you are doing it, likewise for any decision you make. Enjoy the road you wonder down, and do it for you! Love ya guys!
  17. SweeperOfDreams13

    SweeperOfDreams13 Member

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    Dude, my dreads look really crappy... but it's not how they look, it's the fact that they're there, right?
    Although it is nice of they look good, so I'll be working on that a bit. ;)
  18. InTheFlesh

    InTheFlesh Member

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    I started working on them for a while, but stopped because my hair was REALLY crappy when they weren't backcombed. Any suggestions?
  19. kentuckyfunk

    kentuckyfunk Member

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    intheflesh.....there is going to be a period where you are going to have mixed thoughts on your locks....back comb all the ones that you can reach when your just sitting around the house......have someone else do the back when your all sitting around togethor.....my friends help me all the time......a little help from a friend once a week, and you will be knatty before you know it my good man.
  20. InTheFlesh

    InTheFlesh Member

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    I....I.........I don't have a-a-a-any friends...
    I can reach the back of my head, but i tend to hit my fingers more, and my arms get tired. I'll try what you said.

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