Dreadlock Advice

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by sidney.delano, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. sidney.delano

    sidney.delano Members

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    hey need some advice, I had my dreads for about 2 years now. they were done with a crochet hooch and they seem to be pretty nice and firm now. every few weeks i use a 0.6 hooch to maintain roots only but i want to go more natural and stop with the hooch, maybe just yearly maintenance. can i just stop? will they start matting together? how do i got about it? thanks :)
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Phone around to different salons and ask what they know about dreads. The only drawback will be they might try to get you to come in for an appointment.
  3. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    just stop using the hook. should be fine if your dreads are staying clean. like mine were too tight/i used soap, and i got residue that wouldn't come out. This eventually leads to mold, so I had to loosen mine, or you can remove them (either by shaving-not recommended unless you don't mind the short cut, or by undoing the dreads). But afterwards, I have not touched the hook since. You don't need the hook! They will dread.
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