dreadfully waxed

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by Rafaela, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    okay this thread is about wax specifically. The salon lady jammed enough in my hair. now I'm considering keeping it there for one month and then washing it all off. and i figure some of it will eventually rub off no? It looks horrible now. I should probbly take some pictures but my eyes haven;t swelled down from the tears. I'm a suck like that, but slowly i am fazing into the whole patience before good dreads thing. any suggestions? should i wash this out immediately of just keep it in for a month?
  2. knottyinthemaritimes

    knottyinthemaritimes Member

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    id say wait a week not a month and use very hot water every time u wash so u will get all that crappy wax out

    i knew you were going to run into problems with a salon
  3. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    yeah....me so sad. In a week I hope it gets better. i hear that hair dreads quickly in the first three week span after getting it backcombed/twisted I just need to remove this fucking wax - it's disgusting. This means I'm not going out for a week, i usually withdraw from the world like that. I'll take some before and after washing pictures. hopefully it'll improve. I mean i can feel my hair is knotted but not tightly enough.
  4. knottyinthemaritimes

    knottyinthemaritimes Member

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    it will come a part at the tips just palmroll them and dont worry about it
  5. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    ewww wax? yuck..i'm sorry..yea i knew the salon would be clueless..i only tried wax once on a beard dread & the way to do it right is just a tiny bit just to hold the end together..cause if u hold the ends together it'll dread towards the roots from there.
  6. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    yeah that would make sense. instead the women glooped it on my strandy hair. I'll take your advice and wash it out in a week. i just HOPE my strands wont come apart. I trully want to tend to these dreads and be as cool as you knotty heads.
  7. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    AHH I have another question. you guys are saving me by the way. truly i owe you one. okay! sooo if i wash this wax out in a week , should i just use hot water, or should i buy a dreading shampoo? would that help with my progress?
  8. dcdude

    dcdude Member

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    Not IMO, backcombmed hair, or backcombed with wax, will just be backcombed hair for several months before its actually DREADS, because it takes several months for a significant amount of new hair to grow in to actually start locking it.

    mine are still just backcombed hair(no wax though) and september starts my 3rd month
  9. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    Voila! here is my PHASE ONE picture. see the divisions on the top? tres uncool. But I will wash my scalp in a week's time which will undoubtedly or rather hopefully make that disappear.

    What do you guys predict? *sighs* I know it's not the most attractive hair-do at the moment but dreads are a statement of physical disregard, death of vanity, i would say... so this initial stage is healthy for my esteem.

  10. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    looks like it was done at a salon for sure..lol
    well lets ee how it looks in a few months
    it dont look bad exactly just not what ya expected.. but in time i think it'll be fine
  11. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    yes i understand... it does look salon made, especially with the pefect blocks on my head *nudge nudge* hahaha ... like i said in a week i'm washing the wax out, just letting it knott for now in this goop -di-doop. soon it'll look fuller,
  12. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    bet it feelsall weird too huh?
    hope it didnt cost ya too much
    did they even offer any suggestions on what to do when u left there? or did they think well it looks like dreads..so why should i care if it falls apart in a week...then you'd go back & pay em again
    my 1st time gettin dreads was a learnin experience too..both times were natural but the 1st time i didnt seperate em & it pulled up into 2 horns & a pillow in the back (real confy, but was 1 draead the wholree with of my head..onto of that i had a long fu manchu type moustache & when i looked in the mirror while trip[ping i always reminded myself of the emporer mingh from those old flash gordon things..lol (yea i'm old..lol)
  13. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    hahahaha you're brilliant. i love your naturalistic nature. it's beautiful. and who doesn't know flash gordon?

    as for the dreads, I think that I have some real good dread-potential in the coming months. I'm not disappointed i didn;t pay too too much. like 40 bucks. canadian. :) I dont regret it , before i was in shambles, crying, almost cussing, but now i feel confident that in a month or even a week, it will get much better. I'll post another picture soon,
  14. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    awesome ;) hugs..glad your feelin better bout it ;)
  15. toolmaggot

    toolmaggot Nuts Go Here.

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    Eek, that's what salons do. Put a shitload of wax in it and twist it and call 'em dreads. ...And that's some sectioning job they did.

    If you want my honest opinion, if I were you I'd melt the wax out (really hot water and lots of soap) and re-do them myself with less...blinding sections.
  16. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    I'm considering doing this I'm tryng to call my friend now, I'm going to try to re-dread this tomorrow. :( I feel so sad again, i just woke up and this sucks
  17. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    I couldn;t remove all my wax, but i'm going to dread it anyways, with the wax in, WHAT DO YOU SAY???
  18. toolmaggot

    toolmaggot Nuts Go Here.

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    It'll be hard for it to knot up, all your hair will be greasy and lubricated.. a vinegar rinse, perhaps. Use clarifying shampoo, if you have it.
  19. skankleft

    skankleft Member

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    Wow those are very neat looking dreads.. very tidy.
    After you get the wax out you need to just let them go natural and do their thing.
  20. Rafaela

    Rafaela Member

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    i cant get this fucking wax off... its been like hoursa now. i tried two three shampoos, vinager.... gaahh i'm going to let my hair dry and will begin dreading the front

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