I found this today and figured it's worth sharing. Who thinks of their poop? I hope this saves somebody's life. Here...
What if you have all those combined? I'm off the charts on the bristol stool scale. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bristol_stool_chart.svg
Wow all of those combined would probably mean you're your grocery store's favorite customer, you must eat a whole lot.
does anyone really just have one kind of poop? i can have all of those in one day. it's a rare day that i don't have at least two of them.
Probably not, diets change. But irregularity doesn't have to be! It's treatable, no prescription necessary.
The general rule with poo is if it smells bad your OK, but if it smells good see your doctor immediatly.
I've smelled some pretty bad cheeses before that smelled like poop. There's a german cheese i can't remember the name that smells pretty bad