Downward Curving Penis's

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by causeandeffect, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. causeandeffect

    causeandeffect Guest

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    Im 18, ive never had sex, ive perfomed oral before though but it never escalated as the language barrier prevented her from explaining something lol but it was quite understandable when she said "disgusting" when I pulled my dick out lol Anyway, im just curious about penis shape. Obviously its quite common to have a curved penis, I think I have the least common curvature with a slight downward curve, maybe slightly more downward curvature if you could imagine this banana rotated

    I was just in conversation with a girl in a chatroom. She stated upward curve feels good. Or a sideward curve. In contrary, in the forums ive read of people asking about their uncommon downward curving penis, women have always said how good it feels so im curious. I read a women say because it dips it runs along the bottom of the vagina and it feels good. But id like to here it myself, have you ever had a downward curving penis, did it feel good? has there been better? etc etc.
  2. Lorea

    Lorea Member

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    Consider yourself lucky...those are penises made for blow jobs! :) they also feel great for doggie style.
  3. Cutted

    Cutted Cutted

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    I did a survey a while back, and the results were:
    About 35% had an upwardly curving erect penis;
    About 25% had a straight out erect penis;
    About 20% had a left leaning erect penis;
    About 15% had a downward curving erect penis, like yours; and
    About 5% had a right leaning erect penis.

    So you are far from alone, and a downward curving penis is often found in guys with larger penises.
  4. causeandeffect

    causeandeffect Guest

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    interesting, thanks. And im on the good side of average. Just below 7 inches.
  5. sub69bull

    sub69bull Guest

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    Can only be a problem if it changes ie starts to bend more or if it is painful

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