dont you just love true fuckin friends!

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by broken_heart, May 17, 2004.

  1. broken_heart

    broken_heart Member

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    undefined dont you just love how you have been friends with these certain group of people who just happen to be your closest friends for a whole year and then at the end of the year they say zactly what they think of you and how they have just pretended to be your friend or sumthing! well fuck everyone who has done that to any one on this forum.right i have these mainly two friends but this one friend of these friends kinda just joined in. they tried to change me in all of the ways that make me.... well me. and i didnt like it. right i have this one really churchy chik named sara that just joined in and she tried to make me stop cursing or sumthing and i really didnt mind but it is a free country and if i wanna say fuck every other word then i can. i dont even like this chik n e ways.and now heather is getting mad at me cuz i am friends with like her ex boyfriend that has a girlfriend and she turns this around into like me hanging ALL over him when i just talk to him. and I am the one that got them hooked up in the first place. plus i have known the guy for like 3 fuckin years! the third friend Hailey is mad because i said that colten her boyfriend was cute 1 fuckin time! ONCE! and that was like 1 month ago and she is bringing it up now! and i got them hooked up too. all of them say that they dont think that they should be friends with me because of i drink alcohol, well hailey gets beer from her DAD and i brought some skyy blue malt vodka thats like more than half the effect that regular vodka is and they drank it and that was on Monday. i didnt force them to drink it they practically begged for it and then said "dont tell sara, she would get mad at us." bad language was another thing and heather curses whenever sara isnt around. drugs, i dont do drugs! i have know clue where that one came from but i wasnt the one who just took nyquil for the hell of it *cough cough heather and hailey* i was actually sick and that was one time last week and hailey has drank the bottle since i have every day! sex another one..... i have had sex a couple times and that is it and once me and my dad just got into a fight and he beat me pretty badly. well one of my friends was there and he can drive well he had been my friend for a while and he knew that once my dad gets mad dont help or it will make it worse. so when my dad finished he thought that i needed to get away and relax well he took me to a party and he gave me beer and that was the first time i had ever had an alcoholic drink before and he just kept giving them to me and giving them to me and finally he pulled me back into the room and he hadnt been drinking so he had an advantage over me. plus he was older than me. he was stronger. i was drunk. i didnt know what was goin on till after it had happened. now they bring that back on me every day. i also had two caught up in the monent type dills one with a guy who will remain nameless because of futher attraction and Jonathan my most recent ex boyfriend. and they bring that up on me too. god i hate this. they just wrote me a note today "explaining" all of this and after a year they didnt have the balls to say this to me face to face and they want me to talk to them about it in 7th hour when there are like 4 days left in school and 2 of them are half days so its more like 3 days and whats sad it that on the last two days we had plans and now i dont think i wanna go because i am not wanted. they dont think that " its best for them to be hanging out with someone whou is gonna influence them in the wrong way (bad language, sex, drugs, and alcohol). and all of them are hypocrits because they said that they dont wanna be influenced in the wrong way when at the begining of the note they said that:

    " Sara is getting mad because on Thursday I said that "not everybody has goody-goody parents that protect them" you have a choice to be like that too."

    and now the are saying I, just me will influence them in the wrong way and change all of their "class" and make them trashey little sluts like me according to them that have nothing but trashey parents no intellegence at all and no self respect. i have self respect thank you very much and it WAS MY choice to have sex with Jonathan and it IS MY choice if i wanna stop cursing and that is all that i have to say.
    Grandeur and CloudyMushroom like this.
  2. Madmouse

    Madmouse Member

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    Heavey shit man!!!! With friends like that who needs enimies. That just proves to me why mothrr nature is better then people at least she doesn't shit on you in the name of good intentions. I know it is hard to be like the outsider but when your different your always the outsider. I have been standing on the outside looking in for most of my life but you just do the best you can with what God gives ya.

    However that shit with your old man has got to stop he has no right to beat on you. Go see social or someone and get it to stop he isn't a father he is not even an animal as they treat there youngins better then that. He is a monster. NEVER let anyone hit you for any reason you are better then that and don't deserve abuse from anyone. Parents are ment to love and nurture their offspring not pound the shit out of them.

    Think long and hard Broken Heart and spend some time on your own in nature and usually the answer will come. I won't say smoke a spliff which I also do as you are still too young and don't do drugs.

    God will guide you broken heart if your willing to listen
  3. broken_heart

    broken_heart Member

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    thanx pal. well for those who are reading FUCK those people who act like that! childish and who contridict themselves.
  4. Madmouse

    Madmouse Member

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    If you really want a true friend look to nature there are some many wonderful thinks to help you calm down and chill out, you won't want to be angry anymore. I know you will make it through Broken Heart and there are people who don't shit on peole and don't care to even try. I love nature and I love being alone. I have only just started on this computer thing and fell sort of alien here as I don't talk to real people most of the time feels weird talking to vurtuial people instead. but I guess it is best as you can ignore the ones you want and talk to who you want and you don't offend anyone.

    Listen the answers will come Broken Heart and soon the heart will mend
  5. EuphoricBallah

    EuphoricBallah Member

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    girls suck...boys suck...i hate people in general. Girls are way over dramatic tho, i hate being friends with them. Fuck what you want.
    Grandeur likes this.
  6. TripAmerika

    TripAmerika Member

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    Let's not make generalizations now, please.
  7. EuphoricBallah

    EuphoricBallah Member

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    Well its just from my personal expeirience..i mean im a girl and about 85% of them are all over dramatic. I hate it. I can't stand drama...but then again...tahts what highschools all about!
  8. Sugar Magnolia

    Sugar Magnolia Member

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    that's really lame, i'm sorry. but i agree with euphoric, high school girls start tons of drama. i hear about it everyday, but i stay away from it. there's no point in getting involved in shit like that and i'm sorry that you had to put up with it. hopefully things get better for you, i'm sure they will :)
  9. broken_heart

    broken_heart Member

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    okay, me n sara are okay and me n heather are okay. but hailey just loves to drag it out! alright she wrote me a note first hour saying that she was sorry and well with finals coming up i really didnt want to read that at the moment cuz i was talking notes right. well i set it aside and i guess that really pissed her off because i didnt put her first like she "expects" me to do and i am not gonna do that! and right if you remember the part where i put that my father hits me. well she wrote me another note in 2nd hour saying that she can see why he hits me and its because i had sex with jonathan! well obviously she doesnt know me or my family at all because he found out a month ago that i had even lost my virginity let alone the fact that i had slept with jonathan! he has been hiting me for what 2 years now! she has know fuckin clue why he hits me i know i dont but come to think of it i sont think that he does either..... he just.....does. and yes i am sorry that she goes through it too but if that is how she feels about it i dont have n e sypathy for her at all. move back to texas.... then i wont have to hear her bitch about it. yea sure my dad does the same thing but i dont go bawling to her about it. the only reason she found out was i think that i told her not to touch my back cuz it was really sore. and that stupid bitch is bout to get her ass beat cuz she thinks that she is the only one with a broken home and a shitty life but she doesnt! who else has a shitty life!?! im sure every one does! who else has a father that beats them on a regular bases! huh! im sure we're not the only one!
    and she also keeps bringing up the fact that i had sex with jonathan! what is she jealous or sumthing!!!! what the hell! i am not the one who had sexual fantasies in my dreams about Trevor Cooper and Colten!!!! well i am sorry for the people that choose to listen to my drama and problems.
  10. Madmouse

    Madmouse Member

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    Back in my day it was called a heavey hand at disapline but my old man thought smackin the shit of of me when I was just sittin watching Tv was cool as he felt I should have been doing somethin else. then like he got really sick and nearly died and cried and cried about it and now we're cool. I still say parents shouldn't beat the shit our their kids but friends shouldn't rub your nose in it either.
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I ain't leaving names cause they know where they stand.
  12. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    WTF is with this digging up these ancient threads.
    Tyrsonswood likes this.
  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I was looking for the quote thread. It would seem I posted in a very old quote thread. Ol' mate here started digging up old posts to mock me for some reason.
  14. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    Aw hell, you get a free pass.
  15. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i remember when it was ok to post in weird colors and fonts.
    Orison likes this.
  16. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    It was never OK..
    ChoosChins, rollingalong and lode like this.
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    as reginald brentnor once wrote; "with fiends like these, who needs enimas".

    this however is not a response to bright pink on pail purple, my poor old eyes as it is.
    i don't try to judge so much as avoid anyone trying to tell me what to pretend.
    life is so much simpler when one avoids emotional dependence on others.

    i like affection and i want others to be happy, but the idea of depending on other's good wishes, is just not something to count on if you have anything else that you can.
  18. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    The OP is like 30 now.

    Wild stuff.

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