you forget how to swallow? Or does this just happen to me? I was at a restaurant today and forgot how to swallow and almost choked to death.... it freaked all the other patrons out.
That's so strange. About 1/2 hour before coming on here, I was planning on making a post about this, but in the health forum. It really freaks me out. Most of the time i can swallow like normal. But then i can go whole days having trouble swallowing. I'll have to cover my mouth, lift my leg, or stand up and walk around to try to keep things flowing like normal. I think it's just psychological though. I don't remember it happening before last summer, when i was getting a cavity filled at the dentist. A bunch of the topical analgesic gel slid down my throat, numbing most of it. I was nearly in tears because i couldn't swallow and it scared the shit out of me. I HAVE to be able to swallow while at the dentist, don't know why. Difficulty swallowing is so frustrating, but i'm sure i will find a way to get over it.
I hate it when you choke on your own spit and you look like a complete moron when people ask you if your ok and what your choking on. I do it way too ofter sometimes.
That sort of thing only happens to me with drinks. Like you take a swig of coffee into your mouth only to find that it is cold and gross. I have to spit that out, or gag trying to swallow. I can't down shooters, either. I have to have time to psych myself up for it.
yeah, taht happens to me, too. i think it's just a misfiring in the brain and getting confused and thinking too ahrd.
I wouldn't say that I have ever forgotten how to swallow, but eating disgusting foods (especially when I was younger and I was forced by my parents) made me not WANT to swallow.
I know just what you're talking about Lace, I always have to do weird things like that to be able to swallow sometimes. It's really funny that we were both thinking about that.
I forget how to swallow sometimes... hasnt happened in a while, but it does happen I always just stop and go "ok, first I have to......" and I actually forget the steps to swallowing..... I think I slip into some kind of redardation sometimes
Really? I don't recall this ever happening to me. I'm surprised by how many of you have forgotten how to swallow.