Don't Worry You're A Long Time Dead

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Joshua Tree, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    My mum said this to one of my aunts years ago one Christmas when my aunt was being miserable as sin (ironic, because she was a lay nun). Having experienced a lot of depression over the years, it does make me stop and think - yes all these worries which go round in our heads are for the most part supremely unimportant. Life is short, we are only here for a snapshot of time when you think about it.
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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    And The Older You Get The More Aware You Become As To How Short Life Really Is..... :wheelchair:

    Cheers Glen.
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If aliens look at earth from another galaxy then we are in fact already dead right because they're viewing us thousand of light years ago?

    Like that's with stars. We aren't viewing a star in the now, what we see happened thousands of year ago in the light years and it's taken that long to reach us.

    Or some mumbojumbo anyway hehe.

    So right now, of an alien looks at earth it's going to takentousands of years to reach them and then you really are already dead like they could have a big telescope and see you driving a car, but that was couple thousand years ago when they see that.
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  4. Eavesdrop

    Eavesdrop Member

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    Life is an illusion. We can't die. We never lived.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Well that's just depressing. I'm alive, I know I'm alive because I feel too many things. Like if I was dead why would have emotional feelings and my heart torn between things? It's those feelings, whether terrifying or pleasurable that lets you know you're at least alive just for now. :)
  6. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Its funny how first worlders seem to suffer from depression more
  7. tommeem1

    tommeem1 Members

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    Honestly, I never understood why people think life is short. I think life is long.
  8. tommeem1

    tommeem1 Members

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    No problem is ever too small. We all bleed the same.

    Thankfully, I don't believe I suffer from depression. And whenever I have gotten mental assistance... they didn't say that I had depression. I get depressive episodes when I have an onset. But, I don't have periodic depression, like how some people who suffer from depression have. Getting depression just because... sounds horrible. It's like you have no control.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i think it is no more logical to assume death to be eternal then it is to make the same about life.
    however, yes, each life, is all too brief, and i see no reason to expect any two lives in a row,
    to take place in/on the same world, out of the billions of tangible, inhabitable worlds,
    that are many times more likely to exist then not.

    not ruling out the possibility of non-physical aware existence of some kind
    between tangible lives either.

    everything people complain about, people create statistically together,
    by what their priorities are, and especially how considerate they are, (or aren't)
    of each other and of everything else.

    every place would be unique, and nature flourishing in it,
    if people didn't con themselves and each other,
    into believing they had something to gain,
    that would actually gratify them,
    by hating logic.

    the universal wonder of strangeness is absolutely as real,
    as anything else we think we know,
    but whatever anyone starts to think they know about it,
    there are infinity minus one other possibilities,
    that are each every bit as likely.

    there is science, which is a way of figuring what works reliably,
    as reliably as anything does,
    in a universe of near infinity, if not limitless possibility.

    as long as we have to live in a world,
    as long as we want to physically live at all,
    it makes no sense to screw it up,
    by hating logic and blindly adhering to,
    to some arbitrary and unsupportable system of assumptions.

    beliefs and traditions can have their good uses,
    but what they are really about, is people,
    and ways that people can get along with each other,
    and not really about those non-physical things,
    that in some unknown way, may very likely exist also.
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  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    That's what 'they' want us to believe!
  11. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    It's hard to be depressed when you are accustomed to things always being shitty. That chronic hunger tends to drown out most other thoughts.
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  12. Eavesdrop

    Eavesdrop Member

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    Well, if you change the Serotonin and Dopamine concentrations in your brain just a little and you'll get Schizophrenia. See, consciousness is just a fine line of emerged behaviors driven solely by the chemistry in your brain.
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  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    or is it?

    last i heard, mental challenges, even those with physical causes, aren't a lack of awareness.

    confining awareness to any physical definition of life, is also unprovable.
  14. tommeem1

    tommeem1 Members

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    That's an interesting way of looking at it.

    That's probably why I don't suffer from depression. I've always been diagnosed with PTSD, or some generalized anxiety. And when I ask about depression, they tell me that I don't suffer from it. Maybe it's because I'm used to it.

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