It has been 40 years since we decided to push a 1-way mission beyond our solar system. Without the Voyagers, 1 and 2, we wouldn't have learned, in the 70s, that Jupiter has rings or that some of its moons have volcanic activity, lightning and ice. What's really interesting is the record album we sent along. It's an LP, gold plated and recorded at half speed, so it's much longer than a regular record. It includes classical music, greetings in many languages and the sounds of nature, like birds and whales. It should last around 5 billion years unless it hits something!
Man that's cool shit I hope someday we find life somewhere else that we can get along with/learn from.
If you read the ancient Sumerian texts we already knew jupiter had rings and that neptune was liquid and a lot of other things we only found out in the 70s that we actually did know 10,000 years beforehand.
Lol i took notice of a hilarious news item awhile ago: the Flat Earth society acknowledged Mars is round. They still maintain the conviction the earth isn't round though...
Fuck Roswell If beings out there find Johnny B Goode, they are going to land deep down in Louisiana around New Orleans.
Not really. Lots of people didn't learn shit about this. When Columbus prepared his journey to reach India by crossing the Atlantic there still were plenty of folks for who this flat earth with edges at some point were serious concerns. Of course lots of seafaring folks and a part of the educated elite accepted the earth seems and therefor most likely really is round, but yeah that's far from everyone.
Basically like I initially said. Whatever the voyager found in the 70s was already known to the ancient world 10,000+ years ago. They knew about everything. The planets, the fact they were gas and or liquid, the asteroid belt etc. They knew everything before modern science did in the 70s.
But 'they' in 'the ancient world' were most likely also only a minority. It's not like the astrological stuff put on stone tablets was common knowledge. Also, proclaiming sumerian astroloers or scientists knew everything modern science around 1970 discovered is a bit of an exaggeration They knew about a lot of stuff though, it's quite impressive
Have you seen the new video of Jupiter's Great Red spot? So wild! It was released by NASA today. It's a Droid that travels INTO the storm.