If you need help killing them let me know. As far as how to cook the troll meat I am a vegetarian, not a chef.
No problem! I enjoy feeding the trolls to the mods! Great fun. Oh, and to report, you just click on the exclamation point that's in a triangle under the avatar. Where the rep points and scale are.
feeding them just fattens them up!i shal now evicerate marinate and roast them ....yummy terriacki troll toes!
One time I sat, alternating between feeling horney, gaping, grinning, and spacing out, oh and singing jolly tunes, as I watched makno eat three trolls we killed. He did not even cook them! He did not use a cutting tool either! This guys teeth are unreal!
the secret is in the marinade....but tha taco queen would taste as soma...i would run any trial by perril ....just to graze her labia majora with the bridge of my nose!
I have not done it yet. Although I gave someone bad reputation for trying to tell me that I needed hobbies. The internet is a hobby. A completely useless one so I prefer it. I look forward to that red triangle button.
yah, thanks everyone...the sheriff here and my deputies are doing our best to keep the streets safe and your helping out makes it a whole lot easier