Most dreams with fear, where we are running away from someone or have some other disturbing situation, are often nothing more than the brain healing the nervous system while we sleep. We go through all kinds of daily junk and misery and when we are relaxed during sleep, all that nervous "electronic" junk, gets cleared out of our system. When it does, it can manifest as various images of nervousness or fear. Or, if you believe the religious side of things, our souls come to the fore during dreams and do the healing. If you are in a bad dream and can become conscious in the dream itself, you can usually dispel the hostile experiences there by praying while in the dream itself, or imaging God next to you in the dream. Many bad dreams are also simply caused by bad digestion, especially eating too soon before sleep. At a minimum we should really go to sleep at least 2 hours after our last meal. And, preferably, four would be best.
wierdest damd thing, i have less fear in dreams then ever i have awake in living. i won't say i've never experienced it there, but its a thousand time more rare. yes i am as conscous in dreams as i am in life, almost always anyway. meeting anything resembling a god is also just as rare. that's only ever happened twice that i am aware of. as for 'bad' dreams, mine have been caused by mundane conversations going on in the phisical world within my hearing while i am dreaming. and even that, my dreams almost always turn into something strange and good instead. i believe in a very different kind of religious side of things that what anyone tells each other, nor the is in any kind of religons or religous books. a very very different kind of universe, a much more pleasantly and enjoyably strange one. i don't know who the op's "we" are, but "going through all kinds of daily junk and misery" is exactly what does not happen "when" i "are relaxed during sleep". don't know if other people's dreams are the way the op describes, or why mine would be so much different, if other people's are like that. just know mine aren't. maybe because in dreams as in life, i'm more focused on landscapes then on personalities. and nope, i have happiest dreams just fine on a full stomic even more then an empty one. (a curious thought, and maybe nothing to it, but for those who hate strangeness in life, maybe fearing it in dreams is their punishment for doing so?)
generally, both in conversations in the real world, but even more so online, when I encounter someone who confronts what I say with an opposite point of view, I don't think it is some kind of academic intellectual conversation, I think it is trolling and flamebaiting. So, I view your response as just that. Being contrary for the sake of being contrary. Making that point that you are an atheist and don't believe in God...even if you do believe in God. I am 60 years old. Disabled. Live in serious medical problems and, you know, would like to live free of this kind of behavior. On another board, when I mentioned this, someone wrote back that he was 70 and in amazing health. Of course, he was not 70 and I doubt he was in amazing health. And to defy an actual sick person with this kind of confrontation? It's not ok. No one, in the real world does that to a sick person. And if they do, they are stopped...either by social norms or the cops. This kind of internet behavior is horrible for society. Please do not respond to me again, with this identity or whatever other identities you have. Just do something better with your life. I have been a volunteer in a Foodbank for 25 years...go out and do something like that. Climb a mountain. Join a band. But this stuff? It is for 12 year olds. Do something better with your life.
well i'm not. my experience is just what it is. as for belief, i believe the unknown is unknown, could be a billion gods, could be just about anything. just whatever there is, owes nothing to what we tell each other to pretend we know about it. athiest isn't a dirty word, but it doesn't mean believing in the unknown being unknown not preventing the existence of anything. the weaponizing of religion, any religion, is the anti-religion. and anyway, none of that has anything to do with what i experience in dreams. which for me is like waking up in a parallel universe, where everything works, though some things work differently oh and i've paid my dues and what i do is make animations, and give them away. and i base them mostly on the kind of world/universe i experience in my dreams. thank you for your service to food banks. mountains i've lived on, band i was in in high school. and as for sickness, the ultimate sickness is narcissism. which if anything is what is infantile. if disability is why you fell as you describe and your dreams are, i'm sorry for your feeling that way. i know physical pain isn't a choice, but mental anguish, have you considered broadening your interests? i mean to include things that are intrinsically interesting, not just that begin and end with humans. we live in a universe that is more then 99% mineral, and of the less then 1% that is living, humans (and human equivalents evolved on worlds in other solar systems) make up less then a tenth of one per cent of that. we are guests in this universe, whatever may have created it or why. i'm sure whatever gods there are cherish us, but we need to develop a sense of proportion about things too. also i wasn't being contrary, nor responding to a personality, simply responding honestly to the stated topic of the thread diverse perspectives are a part of reality. also while it might be far be it for me to mention, but there is a forum about beliefs, this is a forum about dreams, and dreams are what i was talking about.
I have been trying to understand my dreams for years. They seem to be in several recurring locations and I often wonder how these places totally unknown to me are somewhere in my brain. I often wonder whether they have some link to what we see as reincarnation, another way that something real exists somewhere in our mind.
certainly possible. i see no reason to assume past or future lives to be on the same planet in the same solar system, or even the same universe. mine do seem to all or at least most, take place on the same world as each other, that is not this one. whether these are places that actually exist somewhere, and there's no reason they couldn't be, or a mere synthases of our own minds, i cannot say for certain, but they seem way more complete then anything i could just come up with, as i go about exploring them. consistency of transit routes and places where they go, and places changing with the passage of time in entirely believable ways, the whole landscapes and place, suggest to me, they are in some sense real places, on either other worlds, or in one particular other parallel universe. or maybe different ones that different of us take place in.
I sometimes somehow seem to know that I am dreaming ans as an engineer I take notice of the architecture. The dreams seem to be here in the UK, but predating my life. This is what gave me the idea that reincarnation is simply a memory somewhere deep inside the brain. It makes a lot of sense to me. The explanation of how it got there is another matter. I wonder whether it is passed down through one or more generations. Reincarnation is often discussed in Australia and many of the reports seem to have links to the UK. Back in the 1970's I watched a program on TV, but the production company will not discuss it. For some reason they claim that it does not exist. Perhaps I watched the video during a dream.???
there was a fire i think, in a place where a lot of early dr who episodes were stored, among a lot of other things, only copies of, ironic that, but at any rate, what you watched may have been among the things forever lost. not sure if it was a fire or some kind of rot got into everything, or maybe destroyed intentionally because of the royalties would have to be payed every time something was rerun over there in those days. i don't remember the details, but i remember someone from that part of the world telling me about it in the 80s. (also i don't think of it as knowing i'm dreaming, i prefer to belive i'm walking around in some kind of parallel universe. or that maybe that's what dreaming sometimes is. time sometimes reshuffled like geography is. as full of real possible futures as pasts and presents. and more then not, completely alien places, and mostly wilderness) --- and for anyone who doesn't get it, i'm NOT trying to talk about what each other of us dreams are like or about, i can only speak for what my own dream experiences are like, what i live and feel and see and experience in them. mine are never about people, but landscapes and exploring them, and infrastructure and constructed spaces surrounded by nature. sometimes creating or operating them too. people are sometimes, maybe about a third of the time or less, in them, off in the distance, going about their own lives, but very seldom up close or actually communicating with them. and i think only one or maybe two times was anyone i personally know in this world in one of them.
It is commonly recognized in spiritual literature that dreams can be more than dreams. They can be spiritual visions. I had a friend, who is Norwegian. She said that she used to have these crystal clear dreams where she was in some Viking culture in the Middle Ages. The thing that rang out was the personal aspect. She said that she was in the village doing some menial task like laundry, watching the men go, leaving the village, apparently going to do some raid. But the thing that rang true was her vibe. Her vibe in the dream was something like, "ok, here go those idiots again, out to do stupid stuff." And you can kind of imagine a Viking woman, of the era, having that kind of attitude to the men in her village.